Coming Full Circle….The Serendipity of Helping Others

  "We have been rocketed into a fourth dimension of existence..."   —The Big Book, 4th edition, Chapter 2, There Is A Solution, page 25 The longer I am in recovery, the more I am amazed at the miracles and opportunity for even greater service to others. Recently,...

Painting Over Insecurity

Most people approach new situations with joy, excitement, and anticipation. BRC Recovery took the female residents on an outing this week that was no different. Looking around the art studio, I observed carefree conversations, laughter, and merriment. The excitement for me, however, was short-lived. Waiting...

The Pieces of Vulnerability

Just like pieces to a jigsaw puzzle, I take the lessons God presents in my life and connect them to create a cohesive picture. The pieces to my life puzzle this week: -“Triumph of the inner spirit” While sharing his story at BRC Recovery, Mike...

13 Tips Gained from 13 Miles

Unlike the Boy Scouts who are always prepared, I arrived at my very first half marathon lacking some fundamental “Do’s” and “Don’ts.” After some practical experience with the process, however, I learned these basic guidelines to make future races a bit easier: 1. Weather—always check...

BRC Recovery: A Sense of Community During Drug and Alcohol Addiction Recovery

On Saturday, March 9, current residents of BRC Recovery, Alumni, family and proud members of Austin’s Recovery Community gathered at the Mark Houston Hall to hear former Program Director Audrey C. tell her story. My house manager said to me once that you know...

Never Ask Why

I had a conversation recently with a dear friend about the importance of “not asking why” We agreed that this was one of the biggest lessons we learned from the BRC Recovery experience. I know that when I first arrived, it was hard for...

Single Girl in the Middle

Single girl in the middle—that’s exactly where I found myself on Valentine’s Day. I was sandwiched between Courtney’s sweet flower bouquet and Tracie’s chocolate covered strawberries. Yikes! Suddenly, I wasn’t just a single girl…I was an especially single girl. In that moment I felt lonely,...

One Bad Run

According to someone on Pinterest, “Even a bad run is better than no run at all.” Obviously this person neither suffers from alcoholism nor perfectionism. Four weeks into training for my first ever ½ marathon, I experienced my first “bad” run. The stage was set...

Fear, Mad Men and Cowboy Boots: Leading a Sober Life

Cowboy boots are empowering. At the very least, they are somewhat symbolic of my acceptance into the realm of sobriety. It wasn’t until I was surrounded by a group of strong, happy women in Texas that I began to change my concept of what...
