#GivingTuesday: Give Life

As the holiday season approaches, I’ve been thinking about the act of giving and receiving and what it means.  How one thoughtful gift can make an average day extraordinary.  How one donation—big or small—can spark a never-ending ripple effect in the lake of life that...


Recently, BRC was asked by our good friend Ken Seeley of Intervention 911, and the producers of The Doctors TV Show to accept a patient struggling with heroin addiction for treatment. I flew to LA to meet with Ken, the family of the patient, and...


Anything is Possible

BRC Recovery I had a dream once of going to Penn State and getting a Ph.D. Instead, I ended up at the State Pen getting a GED. After dropping out of high school in the 12th grade, because I thought I knew it all, I started...


What Good Are Those Slogans, Anyway? (Part 4)

If you’ve spent any time around Al-Anon, Alcoholics Anonymous, or other recovery-oriented groups, you’ve heard at least a few slogans and acronyms. Most of them seem to fall into one of three categories, and they include our relationship with: Our addicted loved one. Ourselves. Our...


Righteousness is Real Scary

REAL SCARY I received a text from a friend recently that stated "it's jealousy and spite masked as righteousness." He was referring to a Facebook post we had both seen, and were disturbed by. His words struck me and I have mulled them over for some...

Little Fish In A Big Pond

Growing up as a little southern girl Growing up as a little southern girl in South Georgia, I sure never dreamed I would be traveling so far away to the land of kangaroos, koalas, and crocodiles. Oh, and of course Crocodile Dundee! Before we left for Australia,...

For the Family: Harmony…

Orchestra The word itself reminds me of an orchestra and the way each person, instrument and note is important to the overall sound. Each tiny piece plays a great part in the whole and without the cooperation of them all the masterpiece would be lost....


What are the facts? When is the last time in the midst of an emotional crisis you stopped to ponder the question, “What are the facts?” I can tell you in all honesty that it has taken years of practice to be able to pause with...

Manic Mondays and Such

Manic Monday Have you ever heard the expression "Manic Monday"? I swear it must have been coined by someone who works in the field of addiction treatment. Sometimes I walk into Monday morning staffing with what seems like "umpteen" issues coming at me like rapid fire....

Kind of Courageous

Dave the Horse Whisperer Last week I had the privilege to travel to Sundance, Utah, to visit the world renowned Cirque Lodge. What a glorious place of beauty and healing, all rolled up into snow covered majesty. Among the offerings of cozy lodge sleeps, delicious fireside...