April 3, 2013
By admin12 Steps 2, Addiction, Addiction Relapse, Alcoholism, Alumni Personal Stories, Alumni Stories, Announcements, Cocaine, Cutting, Depression, Drug Free, Drug News, Drugs, General Category 4, God, Guest Posts, Health and Wellness, Heroin, Humor, News, Personal Stories, Prayer, Readers Responses, Recovery, Relapse Prevention, Texas Drug Rehab, Women's Issuesaction, alcohol, Alcoholism, drug, drug addiction, Drugs, ego, experience, god, Higher Power, marathon, Recovery, recovery center, run, spiritual, spiritual principles, spiritual program, treatment, twelve steps
Unlike the Boy Scouts who are always prepared, I arrived at my very first half marathon lacking some fundamental “Do’s” and “Don’ts.” After some practical experience with the process, however, I learned these basic guidelines to make future races a bit easier: 1. Weather—always check...