According to someone on Pinterest, “Even a bad run is better than no run at all.” Obviously this person neither suffers from alcoholism nor perfectionism.
Four weeks into training for my first ever ½ marathon, I experienced my first “bad” run. The stage was set for the perfect five-mile run: sunny day, picturesque country road, and the necessary endurance. One mile into the run, BAMMM! I was tired. The road too hilly. Hot. Songs weren’t right. Bored. Not enough food in my belly.
I stopped running at mile three and chalked the entire run up as a failure. Negative thoughts ensued. I doubted myself, my ability, my determination. I went from running 13 miles in 2013 to “What the hell were you thinking?”
After eight hours of sleep, lunch at Café 290, and ruminating on the spiritual law of growth, I resolved not to throw in the towel and call it quits after one bad run. I’ve learned not to allow my thoughts to beat me down and drive my actions. I approached my long-run on Saturday with a healthy attitude and renewed sense of motivation. The result? Seven successful miles!
About the Author:
Vickie Bing is the Alumni Coordinator for BRC Recovery. She received her B.A. in English from the University of Texas at Arlington. Vickie is a former high school teacher. She is also an Air Force Veteran. You can read other posts at