President Obama Grants Record-Setting Clemencies

SETTING CLEMENCIES During the last several decades, one of the largest criticisms of the American criminal justice system has been the excessive sentences handed down to nonviolent drug offenders. Many of those offenders were sentenced under draconian laws that required mandatory minimum sentences, some of...

Life is a Privilege

Three years ago Three years ago, as I sat alone paralyzed by fear on yet another seedy motel bathroom floor, I was wondering why I had to experience a level of inexplicable internal pain for what seemed like so many years. The only explanation my...

Blessed to be a Part of BRC

“To watch the eyes of men and women open with wonder as they move from darkness into light, to see their lives quickly fill with new purpose and meaning, to see whole families reassembled, to see the alcoholic outcast received back into his community...

BRC Men Give Back

Men’s program at BRC Recovery On April 30th I had the pleasure of watching the residents of the Men’s program at BRC Recovery participate in a community service project. We spent all day at a Habitat for Humanity build-site in Manor, TX.  The men tackled all...

BRC Recovery – Jesse McCraw Participates in the Shatterproof Challenge "Shatterproof to me is an opportunity to bring awareness to addiction, and it has given me an opportunity to proclaim my recovery. Just standing on top of the building and looking around at the city that I grew up in, in a different aspect and...

Step 2 – Michael Kerr Mike Kerr, Recovery Coach Segue Program BRC Recovery Hello, everyone, my name is Mike Kerr.  I’m a recovery coach at the Segue program at BRC Recovery.  A little over three years ago, I walked into the doors of BRC Recovery, and I was in a place where...

Sometimes I Have to Pinch Myself

How did I get here? A man like me is not supposed to get the redemption I have been granted. I rolled into BRC Recovery in July of 2012 a broken man. I had crashed three cars that year and overdosed twice. I lived in...

Step 11

I woke up this morning feeling rested after a night of good sleep. My routine is to wake early, fix my coffee, curl up on my couch, pray, meditate and bring my God into my day. This is my favorite time of the day....

Not Busy

Recently I read a blog article in the Huffington Post titled "Busy is a Sickness". It described the self-created crisis of busy days and lives which most of us today are so familiar with. It went on to detail how this approach to life...
