Anniversaries and Old T-Shirts

Marsha Stone celebrating her 1-year anniversary at BRC (formerly MHR) Mark Houston Recovery I was cleaning out my closet the other day and my eyes rested on all the work shirts I have. Short sleeves, long sleeves, button downs, hoodies, even tie dyes- all with Mark...

Sustainable Gardens, Sustainable Growth

“ The nature of rain is the same, but it produces flowers in the garden and thorns in the marsh.” -Anthony de Mello Our staff constructed the BRC vegetable gardens 3 years ago, and it’s becoming increasingly more bountiful every year! We are 100% organic,...

The BRC Recovery Culture: We are Family

  After Leaving A Saturday Night speaker Meeting Recently, after leaving a Saturday night speaker meeting, I became ill, eventually underwent surgery and was given the dreaded order of bed-rest. Before I could even begin to worry about how "everything" would get done, the texts, emails...

Bountiful Recovery at BRC

BRC Recovery residents worked hand in hand this summer to produce a bountiful fall harvest and there is, perhaps, no better metaphor for the process of recovery. Even as Hurricane Sandy wreaked havoc on the East Coast, we are reminded of the gifts of...
