BRC Residents Enjoy an Afternoon at the Movies

BRC Recovery residents recently enjoyed a screening of "This is 40" at our very own Austin, TX Alamo Drafthouse. One of the things we miss in our addicted life is the simple things ... That's why a Friday afternoon at the Alamo Drafthouse is more than...

BRC Recovery Residents Participate in North Austin’s Big Book Experience

On November 10th, BRC Recovery residents had the opportunity to attend North Austin’s Big Book Experience, where they were afforded an in-depth study of our basic text.  With the help of panelists, Chris S. And Myers R., BRC Recovery residents were able to gain...

Bountiful Recovery at BRC

BRC Recovery residents worked hand in hand this summer to produce a bountiful fall harvest and there is, perhaps, no better metaphor for the process of recovery. Even as Hurricane Sandy wreaked havoc on the East Coast, we are reminded of the gifts of...
