BRC Men Give Back

Men’s program at BRC Recovery On April 30th I had the pleasure of watching the residents of the Men’s program at BRC Recovery participate in a community service project. We spent all day at a Habitat for Humanity build-site in Manor, TX.  The men tackled all types of job, from picking up trash and painting cabinets to putting up fences and framing windows. Before arriving at the build-site, I knew there would be varying degrees of confidence and different skill sets among the residents. However, I was not prepared to witness the evidence of transformation in each of these men’s lives […]

Comfort Food

What does that even mean??? Two week checkup day… Time for the doctor to take off the bandages and make sure I was healing ok. Thumbs up, looking good! As I was shedding the lovely hospital gown for my own comfy Lululemon getup, the duty nurse came in to give me my take home orders. “Plenty of rest, no heavy lifting, blah blah, and remember,” she says, “comfort food has a lot of sodium.” What? Huh? What does that even mean???  My mind began to wrestle around with her statement, and I haven’t been able to shake her voice, and […]

Enslaved to Drugs

…“though he came to scoff, he may remain to pray.” –Big book, pg. xxxii Recently, the Austin Stone Community Church Story Team published an article written about one of BRC Recovery’s alumnus, Alex. His story, “Enslaved to Drugs”, is one which is  heard too often. Alex’s drug addiction began in high school after a string of injuries ended his possibilities for a college football career. He attempted sobriety many times, but each attempt was quickly met by relapse and mounting disappointment until eventually he checked into BRC Recovery in January 2013. While he was a resident at BRC, Alex started […]

The Hard Facts: What This Texas Alcohol Rehab Center Wants You To Know

It was recently reported that half of all people in this country have at least one family member who has a drinking problem. And since it is also a known fact that people have a genetic disposition towards this kind of problem, the worry is that these numbers are expected to continue to go up in the future. In the hopes of making people see that drinking too much is neither fun nor relaxing, but downright dangerous, here are the hard facts that BRC Recovery wants you to know. It Can Permanently Affect Your Brain Alcohol rehabilitation centers can help […]

The Language of BRC

I was recently given for my birthday the book “CEO School- Collective Wisdom of Top CEOs” by Can Akdeniz.  On a flight back to Austin, I pulled it out and began to skim through the chapters. One of the CEOs featured in the book is Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks. One of his tips states “culture is everything.” When I read this, I immediately thought of BRC and the culture of recovery that was established so long ago and remains through to this day. Not only in the daily programming, residents, alumni, and families of alumni but in […]

Hooked On Sobriety: The Real Reason This Texas Alcohol Rehab Works

Alcohol and other drug rehab centers are sometimes misrepresented by the media and press. We are constantly confronted by celebrities who are in and out of rehab, each stating that they were unable to get the help they needed. Not really understanding the nature of addiction, the general public can see the indulgent lifestyles of many celebrities and assume their problems and frequent relapse is due to their easy access to drugs, alcohol and money, plus the revolving door of rehab. As professionals in the rehabilitation business, we know that no one is exempt from the devastation of addiction if […]


I have heard the terms malady, spiritual malady, internal condition, untreated alcoholism, but until recently I had never heard the word “maladacious“! Even as I type, my spellcheck doesn’t recognize it. My friend, in defense of her use of the word said to me- its in urban dictionary – look it up! Restless, irritable, discontent- words and experiences and feelings common to most alcoholics and addicts. My belief and my experience show me that the illnesses of alcoholism and addiction manifest in mind, body and spirit. But how do we address these manifestations? And how can such a complicated and […]

Long-term Sobriety: Extended Care After Alcohol Treatment In Austin

Programs and Theories to help people stop drinking There are many programs and theories out there designed to help people stop drinking. The 12 Step programs and treatment centers all have the goal of helping people with a drinking problem to achieve long-term sobriety. While their intentions are honorable, the reality is that many of these programs don’t come anywhere close. Research by the National Institutes of Health The U.S. National Institutes of Health focuses on all elements of drug and alcohol abuse. They frequently release information, advice and guidance on the effectiveness of drug and alcohol treatment. They have […]