What Good Are Those Slogans, Anyway? Part 1

If you’ve spent any time around Al-Anon, Alcoholics Anonymous, or other recovery-oriented groups, you’ve heard at least a few slogans and acronyms. Most of them seem to fall into one of three categories, and they include our relationship with: Our addicted loved one. Ourselves. ...

The Power of Step 12

STEP 12 “We tried to carry this message to other alcoholics.” It still amazes me how this line from Step 12 carries so much power! We learn on pg. 89 of the Big Book, “that nothing will so much insure immunity from drinking as intensive work with...

Why Choose a Long Term Rehab?

One of our specialties at BRC Recovery is dealing with chronic relapsers, people who have attempted sobriety numerous times with several stints in rehab, but have been unsuccessful long-term. One of the major concerns and questions that anyone has after going through so many...

A Parent’s Perspective: Embracing Uncertainty

Control Enthusiast I’m a recovering control freak (I like to think of it as “control enthusiast”) and a grateful Al-Anon. After spending 2014 in introspection, meditating and reading self-help books in an effort to learn more about myself and develop a motto for my life,...

Do You Really Want To Get Sober? Choosing Alcohol Rehab In Austin, Texas

TEXAS There is no shame in admitting that you have an alcohol problem, and that you need help. In fact, it is empowering. However, the statistics on this particular problem are pretty bleak. Only about 15% of people who have a problem actually seek help,...

10 Reasons BRC Is The Best Alcohol Rehab In Austin

BRC Recovery is making a name for itself in Austin and beyond as being one of the best recovery centers in the area, with the testimonials speaking for themselves. So what are the 10 reasons BRC Recovery is the best alcohol rehab in Austin? Let's...

3 Stages of Recovery with Marsha Stone The BRC Recovery program The BRC Recovery program is designed as a three stage process. The first stage of that process is the Residential Program. It’s a 90-day minimum stay. Every resident is assigned a recovery manager that works with them and works with their...

Understanding Austin Recovery Centers for Alcoholism

Though there are many Austin recovery centers which aim to help alcoholism, finding one which has a high success rate, which is reasonably affordable, and takes a holistic approach to helping their residents can be an arduous process. Frequently, alcoholics or their loved ones...
