MHR & BRC Alumni

Are you a former resident of MHR or BRC?
Join the BRC Alumni Facebook Page

For information on alumni programs, and guest blogging contact:

Gracie Powell
Alumni Coordinator
BRC Recovery &
Spearhead Lodge
Direct: (866) 905-4550


Alumni Program

brc alumnikeep-austin-soberBRC Recovery Alumni Program

One of the most cherished aspects of BRC Recovery is our commitment to community-driven treatment. Residents of our programs often develop lifelong bonds within the community.

We keep alumni, families and friends connected to one another and the BRC community through weekly meetings, monthly speaker events, annual celebrations, special workshops and community service projects. We believe recovery is a journey, not a destination, so we provide ongoing opportunities for our alumni to experience continuous connection and recovery renewal.

Once an Alum, Always an Alum

When you’re a part of the BRC Recovery Alumni Program, you are considered family. We encourage our alumni to stay active and be the change they want to see in their communities. Since 2006, we’ve maintained a strong, active Alumni Program with more than 1,000 members.

Gracie Powell, BRC Recovery’s Alumni Coordinator, supports alumni through weekly, monthly and annual check-ins with each client who has passed through our doors. Alumni and their families are always welcome at BRC Recovery events and to take advantage of our services.

Click here to view our upcoming events.

BRC Recovery-Austin-women-alumni-around-firepitWeekly Alumni Meetings

Men’s, Women’s & Spearhead Alumni
Every Wednesday at Club 101
6:00 pm – 7:00 pm meeting
Free food & fellowship beforehand




Connect With Us

All Mark Houston and BRC Recovery alumni are invited to join our Alumni Facebook Group to stay connected with fellow BRC alumni and share important updates, announcements and milestones.

Stay Connected. Subscribe Today.

If you are an alum of Mark Houston Recovery or BRC Recovery, please enter your contact information below to receive news and updates regarding upcoming events, news and recovery-related topics.

We’re Here to Help

Alumni support is vital to a permanent recovery, which is why we extend our services to clients well after they’ve graduated from our program. We’re proud to have such a large, active alumni community. Whether you are just taking the first step toward recovery or wish to connect with fellow alumni, we encourage you to contact us at 1-866-905-4550.

Connecting Through Social Media

BRCAlumni3We invite all Mark Houston and BRC Recovery Alumni to join the Facebook Alumni Group to stay connected with other BRC alumni and let us know about your recovery milestones – sober birthdays, personal achievements, career highlights, etc. – by posting your comments or uploading photos.


Stay Connected, Subscribe Today

If you are an Alumni of MHR & BRC, please enter your contact information below to stay connected with the latest events, weekly motivational emails, helpful tips, and industry trends!


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