Rising alcoholism levels have led to the creation of many new Texas alcohol rehab facilities, while at the same time many people with a drinking problem feel they can quit without any rehab. A rehab program is still the best choice for most addicts and alcoholics, and finding the right one for you can be a challenge.
The fact is that recovery outside a professional program is high risk — especially as this approach usually does not address the underlying issues behind the addiction. Alcohol rehab programs offer you the chance to recover in a setting which addresses all aspects of chemical dependency and addiction through a well-planned and administered program of action.
Trying to quit in your normal surroundings, on the other hand, makes it very easy to relapse. You’re constantly faced with things that trigger the urge to drink. A good Texas alcohol rehab like BRC Recovery will give you valuable skills to deal with the situations where you would normally start drinking, as well as techniques to help you handle stress in ways that are healthy.
In general, alcohol rehab programs involve three stages: assessment, stabilization, and recovery.
Assessment is a key phase to successfully overcoming an alcohol dependency. The recovery plan you follow will be based on your initial assessment on arriving at the Texas alcohol rehab center. If necessary, the center will refer you to a professional who can perform an examination to determine whether you need medical detoxification.
Once you stop drinking, there is a risk of suffering serious symptoms of withdrawal, such nausea, anxiety, tremors, hallucinations and seizures Therefore, the assessment will look at your level of intoxication, your history of drinking, and how long you have been drinking. It will also be important for them to know if you have been through detox or been admitted to rehab before, as well as whether you suffer from any medical issues related to alcohol.
Another reason the assessment phase is so crucial is because addiction recovery professionals will help you determine your recovery objectives. The evaluation will help both them and you understand your level of motivation and how strongly you want to change your own behavior. These are both crucial aspects to your recovery.

After detoxification, there needs to be a time period for stabilization. Depending on the substance, how much has been consumed and for how long, are all factors that will be addressed by medical professionals. Some people may stabilize in a few days, others would require an extended period of time. Once detoxification and stabilization has occurred, recovery can begin.
A good rehab center will customize their approach to your particular situation. Some people go into rehab voluntarily, realizing they need to change their lives. Others go into rehab as the result of an intervention or a court order. Regardless of your situation, abstinence from alcohol or drugs is not enough for most people to achieve long term sobriety. A structured rehab program and a daily program for living is the most effective. Texas alcohol rehab centers like BRC Recovery provide a strong foundation of treatment for 90 or more days, followed by sober living and aftercare monitoring.
For more information contact BRC Recovery at (866) 461-1759.