The Flying Trapeze

What’s the lesson here? So today is the day. For my birthday my friend gave me a two-hour flying trapeze lesson. She and I will go together, in just a few hours and brave the wire. A mixture of nerves and excitement, I find...

Drug Relapse Help Texas Facilities in Demand

Drug Relapse Help in Austin,Texas Drug abuse is a problem that affects all levels of our society. It destroys lives (both of the user and of their loved ones), leads to criminality and leaves entire communities classed as "undesirable". However, many believe that we need...

Delusion and Alcoholism: Cunning, Baffling and Powerful

"Remember that we deal with alcohol- cunning, baffling, powerful." The Big Book, 4th edition, Chapter 5, How it Works, page 58 Chronic relapse help for her daughter I had an occasion recently to be on the phone with a distraught mother seeking chronic relapse help for...

BRC Recovery: Providing The Solution for Chronic Relapse

BRC Recovery The terms chronic relapse, 12 Step immersion, and long term continuum of care have become more common place in the field of addiction treatment and rehabilitation within the last few years. But what do these terms mean and what are their significance in...
