What’s the lesson here?
So today is the day. For my birthday my friend gave me a two-hour flying trapeze lesson. She and I will go together, in just a few hours and brave the wire. A mixture of nerves and excitement, I find myself wondering… what’s the lesson here?
My mind wanders to yesterday when my family and I had one of the busiest Saturdays on record. After a 5:30am wake up call, and a 7:00am start time for the playoff games in my son’s pee wee football league on a 42-degree field, followed by an 11am offsite meeting with my Executive Director to interview a potential candidate for our growing company, THEN followed by a 1:00pm departure time to Waco for my father-in-law’s surprise 75th birthday party… not surprisingly, take-out and a warm fire built by the man I love last night was quickly followed by a 9pm joyfully accepted bedtime.
What a day!
What a glorious, life-filled day!
In early sobriety, I remember hearing an old-timer in the rooms say, “Recovery will give you a life beyond your wildest imagination!” And Mark Houston often said, “Nothing touches you that God doesn’t want to touch you after you make a real third step decision!” My experience shows me that both of these are absolutely the truth.
I love the term “live out loud” and recovery gives me an opportunity to do just that. So today – with a woman that I am happy to call my friend (and of course there’s another whole story of redemption and reconciliation there), I will be…
…flying through the air with the greatest of ease, a daring young woman on a flying trapeze…
Can’t you just hear the music of the circus? I can, and I intend to enjoy!
Marsha Stone, CEO
BRC Recovery