
High-Accountability Sober Living

High Accountability Sober Living RoomClients leaving treatment or people with an extensive relapse history often have trouble adjusting to the lack of structure and discipline in their early recovery. For those who are serious about long-term addiction recovery, a sober living facility is the most effective way to do it. We created our High-Accountability Sober Living program to bridge the gap between treatment and independent living. Residents gradually earn privileges in this highly structured, gender-specific environment.

At our sober living facility, clients can fully immerse themselves in the recovery process as they safely transition back into the “real world.” High-accountability sober living removes exposure to outside influences, responsibilities and distractions that can create stress and cause people in early recovery to relapse. Our facility offers a safe, secure place that allows residents to focus on their new life.

Daily groups, from morning prayer and meditation, process groups, house meetings and daily evening review, provide the necessary structure and support to help residents acclimate to their new environment. Residents are required to participate in 12-step meetings and perform service work while also working part-time jobs to begin becoming contributing members of society again. Regular drug and alcohol testing and strong oversight provide a safety net for addicts in early recovery.


High Accountability Residence KitchenBenefits of High Accountability Sober Living


A Supportive Recovery Environment

We know the longer a person can take advantage of treatment and recovery services, the stronger their chances become of achieving and maintaining lasting sobriety. To learn more about our high-accountability sober living, call 1-833-485-0789 to speak with a BRC Recovery Family of Programs Admissions Specialist.