The family is often a vital piece to the recovery puzzle. Alcoholism and addiction can cause significant strains on the family system. Enabling often provides fuel to the fire that is addiction.
Parents and spouses unknowingly set up roadblocks to recovery and reward negative behaviors. Most treatment programs offer some type of family support while in residence. Although these family programs can be helpful and provide short-term breakthroughs, there are often long-term patterns that cannot be broken over one weekend. Segue family support services can provide family support and coaching for families of people in early recovery.
At Segue, our team handles all our clients’ needs after treatment to relieve family members of the burden and stress of caring for a loved one who is newly out of treatment. We can help you understand the unique needs of your family member and teach you communications skills for reaching a loved one.
The better parents, children and spouses understand the disease of addiction, the bigger role you can play in helping your loved one achieve a full recovery and regain a happy, healthy life.
Participating in a family therapy program goes beyond promoting the long-term sobriety of a family member with addiction. We provide family support services on an individual basis, depending on the needs of the family. To learn more about Segue family support services, contact our admissions specialists today.