Confidence-Building Exercises for People in Recovery

Self-confidence can be a fickle quality, especially in addiction recovery. If your belief in yourself is at a low ebb, getting it back may seem like a monumental challenge. You might struggle with an unproductive inner monologue that tells you you’ll never succeed or don’t deserve happiness. If an inability to take pride in your accomplishments is holding you back, try these confidence-building exercises.

1. Repeat Positive Affirmations

It might sound a little bit corny, but if you repeat something to yourself often enough, you’ll start believing it. If you meditate, consider adding a mantra like “You’re worth it.” Or, write encouraging sayings on index cards and tape them to your bathroom mirror, kitchen cabinets or other places where you’ll see them as you go about your day.

2. Celebrate Victories

Often, we don’t take the time to pat ourselves on the back for a job well done. When you accomplish a goal, no matter how small, celebrate by treating yourself to your favorite meal, calling a friend or setting up an at-home yoga retreat.

3. Establish Positive Habits

The ability to set and stick with healthy habits is one quality many successful people share. First, take inventory of any habits that are already part of your life and determine whether you need to change them. If you need to set new goals, ensure they are specific and realistically attainable, and give yourself a reasonable deadline for accomplishing each one. You can keep yourself accountable and motivated by tracking your progress and periodically reviewing your goals to ensure they still make sense for you.

4. Rely on Your Support Network

It’s amazing what you can learn by asking others for advice. You can find sober supporters in your recovery program or 12-step group, or ask your therapist or sponsor to pick you up if you feel yourself struggling. They can help you shift perspective by reminding you of how far you’ve come in recovery and the positive accomplishments you’ve made.

5. Cultivate Gratitude

It doesn’t cost you anything to bring a bit more gratitude into your life, and doing so can net you a wealth of mental and physical health benefits. When you’re thankful for what you have, it will become easier to feel good about yourself and bring joy to everyday activities. Consider keeping a gratitude journal where you write down at least one thing you’re happy about every day.

6. Challenge Your Inner Critic

While everyone struggles with occasional negativity, it shouldn’t be a constant companion in your life. Next time you catch yourself stuck in a loop of self-defeating thoughts, stop and ask yourself whether you are making a mountain out of a molehill. Examine the rationale behind this negative feedback loop — is it rational? Focus on what you can control, instead of stressing out about what you can’t.

Sober Living as Part of Your Aftercare Plan

Having a safe place to go after you complete your treatment program is an essential part of staying accountable to your recovery goals and preventing a relapse. At Segue Recovery Support, we provide a structured sober living community where people recovering from substance use disorders can go to stay on the path to lifelong sobriety. Contact us when you’re ready to learn more.