Confidence-Building Exercises for People in Recovery

Confidence-Building Exercises for People in Recovery - Segue Recovery, Sober Living in Austin, TX

Self-confidence can be a fickle quality, especially in addiction recovery. If your belief in yourself is at a low ebb, getting it back may seem like a monumental challenge. You might struggle with an unproductive inner monologue that tells you you’ll never succeed or don’t deserve happiness. If an inability to take pride in your accomplishments is holding you back, try these confidence-building exercises. 1. Repeat Positive Affirmations It might sound a little bit corny, but if you repeat something to yourself often enough, you’ll start believing it. If you meditate, consider adding a mantra like “You’re worth it.” Or, […]

HOW: Honesty, Open-Mindedness and Willingness

HOW: Honesty, Open-Mindedness and Willingness - Segue Recover, Sober Living in Austin, TX

Denial and dishonesty frequently stand in the way of substance abuse recovery. Active addiction teaches people to lie to themselves and others about the extent of their problems, saying things like “I can quit whenever I want” or “I don’t drink that much.” In many cases, this dishonesty is unintentional because drugs and alcohol can cloud people’s thoughts and beliefs. However, some people who struggle with substance abuse are dishonest in an effort to protect their addiction because they can’t imagine life without it. Honesty, open-mindedness and a genuine willingness to change form the foundation of substance abuse recovery. They […]

Tools for Success in Addiction Recovery

Tools for Success in Addiction Recovery - Segue Recovery, Sober Living in Austin, TX

Daily life is stressful even in the best of times, and the COVID-19 pandemic represents an unprecedented mass trauma event we are all processing in real time. For sustained sobriety, you need to arm yourself with a toolkit of healthy coping strategies that help you manage life’s ups and downs and avoid a dangerous return to substance abuse. When you part ways with your substance of use, you’ll need to find new hobbies and other enjoyable ways to fill the hours you used to spend drinking or using. You must also surround yourself with positive people who understand your goals […]

Enmeshed Family Characteristics

Enmeshed Family Characteristics - Segue Recovery

Most people consider tight-knit families to be desirable, but there is such a thing as getting too close. Enmeshment is a trait of family dysfunction that involves poorly defined or nonexistent boundaries, unhealthy relationship patterns and a lack of independence among family members. Children who grow up in enmeshed families often carry similar patterns forward into adulthood, unaware of the cycle they are perpetuating. Recognizing enmeshed family characteristics can help you break the chain. What Is Enmeshment? Enmeshment is most prevalent in parent-child relationship dynamics. Parents who wish to exert control over their children create various spoken and unspoken rules […]

Do I Need Case Management After Rehab?

Do I Need Case Management After Rehab? - Segue Recovery, Sober Living Services in Austin, TX

Leaving the structure and support of a long-term treatment facility and learning to navigate the world as a newly sober person can be challenging. The earliest phases of recovery are a uniquely vulnerable time, with many obstacles that can represent a threat to your goals and progress. Having a trained case manager by your side can be an asset as you assimilate back into society. Here’s what you need to know about working with a case manager after rehab. Benefits of Working With a Case Manager A case manager’s role in your recovery process is to serve as an advocate […]

Peer Recovery Support

Peer Recovery Support - Segue Recovery, Sober Living in Austin, TX

Segue Recovery Support is part of the BRC family of programs, developed specifically to give people a safe place to go after their discharge from a drug and alcohol rehab. Many people struggle to maintain sobriety without the daily structure and encouragement found in a formal treatment program, making the earliest stages of recovery a uniquely tricky time. What Does a Peer Support Specialist Do? Healing your body and mind from the effects of a substance use disorder is one of the most challenging things you’ll ever undertake. Research indicates that peer support is an essential component of the process. […]

Trauma Recovery

Trauma Recovery - Segue Recovery, Sober Living Services in Austin, TX

If you’ve experienced a traumatic life event, recovery is essential to help you manage your symptoms and return to normalcy without being overwhelmed by intrusive flashbacks, terrifying nightmares and unwanted emotions. Some of trauma’s defining characteristics include a loss of control and feelings of helplessness and isolation. The overarching goal of trauma recovery is to reestablish your empowerment and safety. It’s helpful to break this process into stages. Trauma Recovery Phase 1: Regain Your Sense of Security Traumatized people are in a near-constant state of hyperarousal. While most people’s fight-or-flight response only activates in response to a genuine or perceived […]

Learning About Yourself After Rehab

Learning About Yourself After Rehab - Segue Recovery

One of the classic characteristics of substance use disorders is a loss of connection. When drinking or using becomes an overriding priority in your life, your other relationships tend to deteriorate – including the one you have with yourself. Therefore, a significant part of the recovery process involves getting to know who you are when drugs or alcohol aren’t standing in the way. Here are our top tips for learning about yourself after rehab. 1. Forgive Yourself If you’re involved in a 12-step program, you already know that the tenets of AA include a directive to make amends to people […]

Anxiety Quotes for Mental Health Month

Anxiety Quotes for Mental Health Month - Segue Recovery

Anxiety is one of the most prevalent mental illnesses in America, affecting nearly 20% of the population every year. Despite anxiety disorders being so widespread, people who struggle with anxiety might be afraid to talk openly about it for fear that others will misunderstand them or make light of their concerns. That could partially explain why many people living with anxiety fail to seek help, even when they know it could improve their quality of life. As Mental Health Awareness Month comes to a close, how can you tell if you have anxiety, and what are some healthy ways of […]

Overcoming Loneliness in Early Recovery

Overcoming Loneliness in Early Recovery - Segue Recovery, Sober Living Services in Austin, TX

People who frequently feel lonely or sad may start using drugs or alcohol as an escape mechanism. However, once self-medication evolves into a substance use disorder, it often becomes even more isolating as formerly enjoyable hobbies and relationships wither under neglect. Once you are sober, it’s essential to surround yourself with friends and family members who appreciate and support your goals. They can help motivate you through the ups and downs of early recovery and remind you why you chose to walk this path. Here are some tips for overcoming loneliness in addiction recovery. 1. Apologize to People You Harmed […]