Tips for Surviving Mental Relapse

mental relapse

During recovery, it’s pretty common to think about using again – or mentally relapsing – but it can be a slippery slope if these thoughts aren’t fleeting. If you remain in a mental relapse for too long, you may find yourself battling intense cravings, bargaining, skipping therapy sessions or meetings and/or putting yourself in risky situations. Perhaps worse, you might even begin mentally planning your relapse. Now, here’s the good news: Even if you’re in a mental relapse, you can prevent yourself from using again with some healthy coping skills. If the thought of using becomes too great – even […]

Rural Community Is Treating Opioid Problem Like Natural Disaster


The opioid epidemic is hitting rural communities across the U.S. hard – and, in fact, a  recent poll found that it’s the most urgent health problem facing rural Americans. A whopping 48 percent of poll respondents said opioid addiction has worsened over the past five years. But what’s the solution? Should the current opioid crisis be treated like a natural disaster? That’s the unique approach a rural community in Washington is taking as they fight against the increasing rates of overdoses. Members of Snohomish County in Western Washington are responding to the drug crisis the same way they did a […]

Choosing a Sponsor

choosing a sponsor

Choosing the right sponsor is critical for a successful recovery and requires careful consideration. So what makes a good sponsor? For one, the person should be active in his or her own recovery. This means the person should have worked through the 12 steps and be sober for at least one full year. Another rule of thumb is to avoid beginning a sponsor/sponsee relationship with someone who you could be attracted to. Romantic involvement is just too risky right now and will distract you from focusing on your recovery. 3 Questions to Consider When choosing a sponsor, keep in mind […]

Doing Your Best on Bad Days

bad days

Addiction recovery is filled with hope and possibility – but you’ll also experience your fair share of down days. We all do. But how do you cope without jeopardizing your hard-won sobriety? Here are a few tips to help you survive those bad bays so you come out shining and even stronger in your recovery. Write it down. Journaling is a great exercise to help you process and put into perspective any negative feelings that are causing a down mood. In fact, studies show that expressing your feelings through words can decrease the power they have over you and your […]

4 Myths About PTSD


Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is quite common – with roughly 8 million people reported to have PTSD in the United States – and yet the condition remains fairly misunderstood. In honor of Mental Illness Awareness Week, we’re setting the record straight on some of the most common and damaging myths surrounding PTSD. Share this information and help to stop the stigma and encourage people with PTSD to get the help they need and deserve. Only military veterans can get PTSD. While PTSD does impact American soldiers, it can also impact someone who has lived through sexual assault, domestic abuse, a natural […]

Addiction and Your Oral Health

oral health

Did you know that people with substance use disorders are less likely to seek regular dental care, despite having higher rates of tooth decay and periodontal disease than the general population? Going to the dentist is likely the last thing on your mind while you’re in active addiction. But now that you’re in recovery, caring for your oral health is an important part of self-care. Proper dental hygiene will make you look and feel good and it will also prevent conditions like heart disease or diabetes that can be caused by the chronic inflammation and bacteria in the blood that […]

Texas Deaths from Drug Overdoses Spiking

overdose deaths in Texas

The recent appearance of fentanyl in the drug supply is changing the landscape of the Lone Star State. In fact, drug overdoses in Texas rose from 1,087 to 2,979 last year and synthetic opioids are the newest growing threat, according to a recent article in the Houston Chronic. And, over the last 18 years, drug overdoses in Texas have nearly tripled, according to new federal statistics. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), drug overdoses killed nearly 72,000 Americans last year, more than peak yearly totals from guns, car crashes or HIV. While Texas is not one of the five […]

How Unrealistic Expectations Can Harm Your Recovery

unrealistic expectations

Now that you’re in recovery, it’s natural to expect things to change for the better – but you’ll need to be careful that you don’t expect things to change too fast or too drastically. Recovery is a journey and the goal is progress, not perfection, after all. Setting unrealistic expectations during recovery can mean setting yourself up for failure. In fact, for many people, unrealistic expectations can lead to relapse. For example, a person can create a list of impossible demands for sobriety and, when those demands aren’t met, he or she can use it as an excuse to drink […]