How Unrealistic Expectations Can Harm Your Recovery

unrealistic expectations

unrealistic expectationsNow that you’re in recovery, it’s natural to expect things to change for the better – but you’ll need to be careful that you don’t expect things to change too fast or too drastically. Recovery is a journey and the goal is progress, not perfection, after all.

Setting unrealistic expectations during recovery can mean setting yourself up for failure. In fact, for many people, unrealistic expectations can lead to relapse. For example, a person can create a list of impossible demands for sobriety and, when those demands aren’t met, he or she can use it as an excuse to drink or use again.

Beyond relapse, there are many ways that unrealistic expectations can interfere with your recovery. Here’s a look at a few:

  1. You’ll set yourself up for disappointment. Unrealistic expectations inevitably lead to disappointment, which can lead to negative emotions and feelings and even put your sobriety at risk.
  2. You’ll put unnecessary pressure on yourself. Staying sober is pressure enough without the added stress of unrealistic expectations. This can make you feel even more overwhelmed by the effort it takes to stay sober.
  3. You’ll fail to find your purpose. As you strive to reach unrealistic expectations, you may be missing the thing that will truly make you happy.
  4. You’ll increase your stress. When you set the bar too high, this leads to stress and that’s not good for your mental or physical health nor your recovery.

Be Your Best at BRC
Setting expectation in a healthy way can mean just trying to do your best and knowing that your best will change, depending on your overall health and circumstances. At BRC, we can help you do your best and avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, regret and unrealistic expectations. To learn about our programs and recovery services, call today: 866-905-4550.