The Role of Spirituality in Addiction Treatment


In the treatment community, we often define addiction as an emotional, physical and spiritual problem. While countless studies can back the emotional and physical aspects of the disease of addiction, as well as the evidence-based therapeutic modalities that are used to treat them, spirituality is often overlooked–at least within the scientific community. Unlike other therapeutic approaches, spirituality is not easily quantified, but many addiction treatment professionals believe it is an extremely important tool throughout the continuum of care. Of course, effective addiction treatment that delivers positive, measurable outcomes comprises evidence-based methods, but more holistic practices like spirituality should not be […]

The Four Agreements: Recovery From Addiction the Toltec Way


At BRC Recovery, we take a holistic approach to recovery from addiction by implementing a number of traditional and non-traditional practices to better connect our residents to the principles of living life in recovery. That’s why we incorporate “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruíz into our programming. Ruíz was inspired to write “The Four Agreements” after a near-fatal car accident changed his life forever. He sought an apprenticeship with a healer and shaman in his native Mexico and decided to spend his life teaching what he has learned to others. “The Four Agreements” is based on ancient Toltec wisdom […]

You Are What You Eat: The Role of Nutrition in Addiction Recovery


In life, and especially in recovery, you are what you eat. When a person is dealing with substance abuse, it permeates every part of their life. Relationships, work and health don’t matter. If unhealthy eating and exercise habits can have a negative impact on a seemingly healthy person, just imagine what they do to someone who is also abusing drugs or alcohol. When a person is active in addiction, they usually aren’t concerned about eating balanced meals and living a healthy lifestyle. Even when a person is in recovery and wants to restore their health and vitality, there’s a lot […]

Love is an Action Word

Well today is the big day! Well today is the big day! After much dreaming and planning- Spearhead Lodge officially opens today!   I feel like I am watching my child walk up the steps to the first day of kindergarten! Nervous, excited, full of pangs of joy and sadness all mixed into a great big smile and a full and grateful heart. I find my mind drifting back to the nights when my two oldest sons raised their hands and asked for help with their addiction. The phone rings and the familiar voice on the line says “Mama I can’t […]

The Family Afterward

Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous Appropriately titled The Family Afterward, the ninth chapter in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous begins to answer the first question I am asked by those surrounding their newly sober loved one. Now what? The alcoholic has begun their journey and the family is curious as to where to place their own energy and what role to play moving forward. This chapter applies to many beyond the scope of a family member. It could in fact be titled, “To Anyone Who Loves an Alcoholic.” The disease of alcoholism and addiction is so deeply rooted in […]

A Parent’s Perspective: Finding Help, Hope, and Health

My world was spinning out of control and I had no idea how to fix it. Of my four sons, one was dead of a drug overdose, and another was a severe alcoholic, although I didn’t really understand or believe that at the time. Relationships among family members were fraught with tension and unexpressed feelings, and my marriage had deteriorated severely. Figuratively speaking, I clung to each of my living sons fiercely, leaving my talon marks in their flesh. I demanded that my oldest son, who lives out of town, call me weekly; and I spent most of my time […]

Tears of God and Joy

Power you need! “Y’all I wanna tell you that God lives inside each and everyone of us! You have His power within you. And, you are responsible for your own happiness! You and you alone have the Power you need!” –Beyonce 🐝💙 I am a Beyonce fan. Like, a big Beyonce fan. As in, knowing I would be out of town the dates she was touring in Texas I flew to Atlanta to make sure I didn’t miss her Formation tour! Not going was not an option. I have always liked her music, admired her “girl power”, her rise to […]

The Night That Changed My Life

My Life Looked Like Four Years Ago I vividly remember what my life looked like four years ago. My family and I were in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico for New Year’s Eve of 2012. The hotel we were staying in had a fancy dinner buffet and free drinks to go around. People of the hotel were laughing, celebrating, and creating meaningful memories with each other. Not that I didn’t create a meaningful memory for my family and myself, but it was not a memory to be proud of. I was in full blown addiction by this time in my life. […]