I wake up before dawn breaks every morning. My brain races with anticipation of returning emails, and scheduling events, and developing relationships. Calendars and phone calls and appointments, oh my. All of which is extremely new territory for a guy like me.
There was a long stretch of my life that I was just living merely to exist. This illness had taken me to a point of complete and utter despair. There was no way out. There was no hope. Then, through a miraculous chain of events, I was sent across the country to a place I had never heard of; a place that inspired me to get better, to be better, to find a purpose, and to do what I was made to do.
My life has gotten very very big since I first arrived at BRC Recovery. As a BRC Recovery alumnus it is easy for me to work for an organization that showed me how to recover. I couldn’t do it on my own. I still can’t. As the Northeast Business Development Specialist I get to travel into uncharted territory and spread the good news. As I walk this path that seems to be laid out before me, I begin to realize that this is not as easy as I anticipated. God always seems to give me just a little bit more than I can handle. I like to think of myself as a go-getter, a mover and a shaker, a highly motivated enthusiastic professional who’s ready for anything. God always finds a way to keep me right sized…
It is so easy for me to get wrapped up in the material world that I completely lose sight of ‘the why’. Why we do what we do. It’s easy to forget where I came from and exactly what my primary purpose is. I was provided a new life to provide others a new life and so that they may do the same.
We do something that very few others in this industry do. We challenge conventional ways. We live outside of the box. We keep it simple. We chop wood and carry water. We demonstrate discipline and consistency. We give hope to the hopeless and strength to the powerless.
Why do we do what we do? Why do I do what I do? The reason is simple.
There is someone up in this area who desperately needs me, needs us. There is a family out there waiting for me to come along with an answer. There are clinicians, and treatment centers and detoxes and professionals who need to know that we exist. They need to know that BRC is the place that makes miracles a reality.
I will end with this.. We all should have a ‘why’. If you don’t have one, create one. If you do have one, remember it, keep it close, and live by it. That’s all for now. I don’t want to be late for my appointment…
Chris Thigpen
Business Development Specialist/Northeast Region
BRC Business Development Team