Celebrating Christmas Morning, BRC Recovery Style!

On Christmas morning, BRC Recovery alumni will come together to support Operation Warm Recovery by delivering mittens, wooly hats and scarves to those in need.

On this day, we’ll show up to homeless shelters, street corners, and an Austin detox center to give.

We give because we can – and we are perhaps the best situated to do so. Only those who have been helped by a kind hand understand the gift. Warmth is a simple thing but it means the world when you’re cold.

One of the most beautiful things about finding a fellowship is giving back what we’ve received. BRC Recovery alumni are a tightly-knit group and our common purpose makes an effort, such as this both a pleasure and a natural expression of our gratitude.

Operation Warm Recovery was conceived out of the principle that to give is part of our drug and alcohol recovery program.

Bravo, BRC alumni!

About the Author:

Nina James is a writer and web content editor based in Bel Air, Maryland. She is also a grateful, former resident of BRC Recovery.