Alumni Reunion 2013: A Fiesta to Remember

Alumni of the Year: Patrick M.

The 2013 alumni reunion fiesta was definitely a night to remember! Mouthwatering fajitas, a bounce house, silly pics in the photo booth, and deep belly laughs all made this event something special. We are so excited that many of our alumni joined us on October 12 for a night of fun and fellowship as we celebrated memories from 2013.

One of the highlights from the evening was presenting some of our alumni with fun and quirky awards celebrating their transformations and involvement in the BRC community. Without further ado, here are the award recipients from this year’s reunion. Drumroll please…

  • The Artichoke Award: Shannon S.
  • The Nike, “Just Do It” Award: Jason R.
  • The Helping Hands Award: Monica L.
  • The Initiator Award: Andrew C.
  • The Transformer Award: Jessica
  • The Most Memorable Mission Award: Bob
  • The Family Afterward Award: David O. and his mom, Cheryl
  • Alumni of the Year Award: Patrick M.

It is a special day when we can honor our alumni for the men and women they have become as they transition and rejoin society. We are so proud of everything that our alumni accomplished in 2013 and can’t wait to return to the fiesta next year with new memories and more photo booth props!