Life Skills Curriculum

Life Skills

Our experience shows us that many of the clients need basic living skills before we begin to address educational/vocational goals. In treatment, Spearhead asks clients to participate in daily exercises designed to teach them to how to live independently. We find these exercises boost self-esteem and self-confidence. Many clients enter treatment lacking basic hygiene skills, such as how to clean up after a meal or how to do their laundry. The program teaches them these things, along with basic meal preparation, daily chores and some landscaping skills.


Accountability is one of the hallmarks of the Spearhead Lodge program. Without consistent accountability, the chances of recovery from addiction are slim. From day one, clients learn to hold each other accountable. The community-driven aspect of the Spearhead Lodge program teaches clients to rely not solely on the staff, but first on the community of peers around them. This peer-reliance assures clients they will always have that vital resource when they need it.


In active addiction, the only goal is to survive day by day. In recovery, it is essential for young adults to set realistic, attainable goals for themselves. The vision and intention behind goal-setting can be the driving force behind an individual’s success. We work with our clients from day one on setting and achieving their goals.

We ask our clients to set goals for various times in several areas of their lives:

  • Personal recovery
  • Education/career
  • Relationships
  • Family
  • Financial management
  • Personal health and fitness


Young adults often have a reputation for making unwise financial decisions. Coupled with the disease of addiction, it’s easy to result in a situation where financial irresponsibility becomes commonplace. It is vital for young adults to learn about managing finances early in the recovery process. We challenge our clients to confront the financial problems that often result from their addictions. We help our clients learn new money-management concepts and skills, covering areas such as:

  • How to budget
  • How to learn to be responsible for money management
  • How to practice financial sobriety
Don't struggle on your own. Ask for help today.


Relationships are often a problematic area for young adults entering recovery, and clients often blame those around them for their problems. Believing other people are the problem is a key barrier to overcome in the recovery process. During their 90-day program, many clients realize shifting blame on others is just another way to avoid looking at their behavior. Through our intensive relationships curriculum, clients recognize patterns of behavior and identify opportunities for personal growth within their interpersonal relationships.

Educational Aims

While at Spearhead Lodge, clients do not have a job and are not engaged in school. However, upon discharge from Spearhead Lodge, and while living in one of our sober living houses, clients utilize Segue recovery coaching in order help them obtain a post-treatment job and to develop a plan to reengage their educational pursuits.

Recovery is the top priority upon discharge, but re-entering the workforce or registering for classes again are important “next” steps that Segue recovery coaching is uniquely qualified to assist and encourage the clients to take.

Alumni Program

Spearhead Lodge has a robust alumni program. Spearhead hosts a weekly 12-Step meeting where alumni are in attendance and share their experience in recovery with the clients currently in treatment. Spearhead alumni also serve as mentors for other clients post-treatment, helping them to find employment, taking them through step work and offering people without transportation rides to meetings. Alumni also participate with clients in different recreational outings so clients can begin to experience fun in recovery.

Contact Our Admissions Staff

At Spearhead Lodge, we recognize addiction is a disease, and we know you should not struggle to overcome it on your own. Through evidence-based treatment and continuous support, we’re here for you every step of the way. If you are seeking help to get your life back on a healthy path, call us at 866-905-4550 to discuss whether Spearhead Lodge is a good fit for you.