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Makana Path Blog

perfectionism early recovery

Perfectionism in Early Recovery

While it’s perfectly healthy to strive to do your best, searching for perfection is a surefire way to sabotage your recovery. After all, one of the gifts of recovery is knowing that some days you might mess up, and that's alright because we're trying. This is the gist behind the...

Patience in Addiction Recovery

It’s normal to want things to happen immediately – after all, smartphones have made us accustomed to instant gratification with just one click of a button. What’s more, when you’re in active addiction, you become used to a cycle of wanting and quickly scoring your drug of choice. This type...

stages of relapse

Three Phases of Relapse

As with any chronic disease, relapse is a reality. In fact, roughly 40 to 60 percent of people who complete addiction treatment will relapse, especially within the first crucial year. This is why so many drug rehabs make relapse prevention a top priority. Relapse is complicated — and it can...

too much caffeine

Reasons to Curb Caffeine During Recovery

Whether your go-to beverage is coffee, diet coke or energy drinks, too much caffeine consumption can be harmful to your recovery. Believe it or not, caffeine is the world’s most common mood-altering drug. It increases your mental-emotional stress by generating a soar-and-crash effect – and it can even turn into...

habits new year

Simple Daily Habits to Ensure a “Happy New Year” 

When you’re in recovery, you make resolutions each day as you work to replace the self-destructive bad habits of active addiction with healthier, pro-sobriety ones. But which daily habits will really make you happy and ensure that 2019 is filled with sobriety, success, joy and fulfillment? Here are some ideas...

quitting alcohol alone

What You Need to Know About Quitting Alcohol Alone

Especially for people with an alcohol use disorder, quitting alcohol alone is never a smart choice. This is because stopping cold turkey can lead to serious withdrawal symptoms, including delirium tremens, or the DTs. Alcohol has what’s called a depressive effect. This means it slows your brain function and alters the...

family holiday

Helping Your Family Help You This Holiday Season

The holidays are filled with joy – but there can be stress, too. To safeguard your sobriety this season you’ll need the support of your friends and family more than ever – but how can you ensure that they help (not hurt) your recovery efforts? It may sound simple, but...

after relapse

Helping Yourself After Relapse

Relapse is frustrating and humiliating and it can leave you wanting to just throw in the towel and give up on your recovery. Take heart: You can find comfort in the fact that relapse is common. In fact, it impacts a whopping 40 to 60 percent of people in addiction...

veronica pike

Maximizing Monday

Mondays have always got a bad rap. In fact, it’s such a tough day of the week that it now has its own hashtag #MondayMotivation to help people start the week on a positive note. Although dreaded by many, Mondays are when your motivation and willpower are at their peak. Assuming...


Learning to Forgive Yourself in Recovery

Forgiving yourself is an important step in the recovery process. If you are truly going to find freedom in your sober future, you need to overcome any guilt from the past. For one, addiction is a disease and it’s not your fault. Plus, you can’t change the past so your...