Heroin Detox Programs in Austin, Texas
Find recovery from heroin withdrawal symptoms
What Is Heroin?
Heroin is an opioid drug made of morphine, which is a natural substance from the seed pod of numerous opium poppy plants grown in Southwest and Southeast Asia, Columbia, and Mexico. It can be a brown or white powder or usually contains a black sticky substance known as black tar heroin. The drug itself is so addictive that individuals on it normally return to using it within 24 hours. For that reason, heroin detox needs to be supervised to overcome the obstacle immediately. The withdrawal symptoms need to be treated and identified as soon as possible.
Unfortunately, America is resistant to the destructive epidemic. In 2016, there were 1,375 opioid-related overdose deaths in Texas alone. The amount of heroin-related deaths grew by almost 51% between 2010 and 2016, increasing from 260 to 530, and the number of deaths attributed to synthetic opioids such as fentanyl increased from 156 to 250, or 60% in the same timeframe.
How Does It Affect The Body and Brain?
Heroin enters the brain swiftly and binds to opioid receptors on cells located in many areas. The main areas heroin becomes involved in are controlling heart rate, sleeping, breathing, and feelings of pain and pleasure. People latch on to the rush feeling that heroin provides, also known as euphoria or a surge of pleasure. Makana Path offers several heroin detox programs to yield the addiction off of individuals so they can enter into a life free of burden.
Short Term Effects
- Warm flushing of the skin
- Nausea and vomiting
- Clouded mental functioning
- Severe itching
- Heavy feelings in the arms and legs
- Going “on the nod,” a back-and-forth state of being conscious and subconscious
- Dry mouth

Why Is Heroin Addictive?
Heroin is extremely addictive. Individuals typically develop a tolerance for the drug. Once a person develops a tolerance, they need higher and more frequent doses to acquire the desired results. The drug itself contains additives such as starch, powdered milk, and sugar that can block blood vessels leading to the liver, brain, kidneys, and lungs. A substance use disorder occurs when continued use of the drug causes failure to meet responsibilities at home, school, or work.
Researchers have given serious thought to the long-term effects of heroin. Studies have shown loss of the brain’s white matter is linked with the use of heroin, which could interfere with behavior control, decision making, and response to stressful situations. When a person suffers from a substance use disorder, the aftermath can range from mild to severe, the worse case resulting in addiction. Heroin can cause permanent damage. Detoxing off heroin isn’t an easy road, but it is not impossible. An individual using heroin long-term can develop some of these lasting effects.
Long Term Effects
- Collapsed veins for those who inject the drug
- Infection of the heart lining and valves
- Damaged tissue inside the nose for those who sniff or snort it
- Liver and kidney disease
- Lung complications, including pneumonia
- Mental health disorders and insomnia
- Constipation, stomach cramping, irregular cycles for women
- Abscesses (swollen tissue filled with pus)
What Are The Signs and Symptoms of Heroin Addiction and Withdrawal?
The symptoms of opiate withdrawal are not normally life-threatening, but they can be very painful. The withdrawal symptoms generally occur after an individual suddenly stops taking the drug. During that time, intense symptoms begin to take place as early as the heroin was last taken.
- Severe muscle and bone pain
- Diarrhea and vomiting
- Sleep problems
- Restlessness
- Uncontrollable leg movements (“kicking the habit”)
- Severe heroin cravings
- Cold flashes with goosebumps (“cold turkey”)
What Is The Difference Between Acute and Post-Acute Withdrawal?
The withdrawal stage of heroin has its specific timeframe. When an individual experiences acute symptoms of heroin withdrawal, they should expect it to last a week or more. Acute symptoms will occur within 6 to 12 hours of the last use. When a person undergoes post-acute withdrawal symptoms, the expected timeframe is several months, even a year.
The symptoms expected after rapidly stopping heroin are extremely sore muscles, nausea, shakiness, cold sweats, extreme cravings, agitation, and abdominal cramping. The symptoms of post-acute include depression, anxiety, difficulty sleeping, gastrointestinal issues, and mood swings.
When the symptoms are highly uncomfortable, it can speed up the addict to reunite with their fix. The withdrawal process is a very serious one. Some patients have the probability of experiencing a deadly seizure, especially if not a part of a medical facility. The post-acute withdrawal symptoms last longer because it delivers physiological and physical abnormalities. It is based on the extensive harm done to the mind and body during active addiction.
What Are The Main Goals Of Heroin Detox Programs?
The main goal of heroin detox is to suppress the individual’s central nervous system, therefore putting it in a predicament for the body to take a long time to return to regular functioning. The symptoms of withdrawal can be managed, but it is much more efficient with a support team. The post-acute symptoms can take a little longer if the person detoxing off heroin has a personal history of mental health disorders. We are licensed by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission to provide intensive residential treatment and heroin detox.
- Amount consumed
- Family history
- Medical history
- Physical health
- Co-occurring mental health disorders
- History and severity of addiction
Our heroin detox programs relieve withdrawal symptoms, and our medical and clinical staff and home-like setting are available 24/7 to assist our clients in feeling comfortable and safe.
What Are Some Options For Heroin Addiction Treatment?
Opiates alter the way the brain responds to pain stimuli, therefore manufacturing a “high” that interrupts the brain’s pleasure and rewards center. When there is prolonged use of heroin, the brain chemistry is changed, leading to psychological and physical dependence. As time goes on, that individual’s body might not feel “normal” unless the substance is present.
We are diligent and knowledgeable in this area. We know because the psychological and physical symptoms are persistent, a favorable targeted proposal can significantly reduce discomfort.
There is a range of treatment options for those struggling with heroin addiction, such as behavioral therapies and medication.
The road taken primary goal should be to stop heroin use. The objective is to match the most ideal treatment plan to meet the specific needs of each patient. We believe in providing relief to our patients, but recovery is the main aim. Heroin detox programs alone can’t assist someone who is struggling with substance use disorder recover alone.
After the client has completed the early stages of detoxing off heroin, they can instantly transition into practical programming to take advantage of other mental health services and support.
- Clinical services
- Case management
- Aftercare planning
- 12-Step Programming
- Individual and group therapy

Aftercare Planning
We want our clients to create lifelong friendships with staff and peers in the community. Makana Path believes in their patients producing an effort to nurture the connections they made throughout recovery and after recovery. We provide an alumni program where the BRC Recovery community can participate in monthly speaker series, weekly meetings, workshops, volunteering opportunities, and annual events. We strive to supply relations that are ongoing to keep our alumni focused and occupied on long-term sobriety.
Case Management
Our blueprint at Makana Path serves as a comprehensive guide consisting of everything our clients will need to maintain and attain their sobriety. Our expectations aren’t for our clients to walk the path of recovery alone because it is unique for each individual. Our case managers are dedicated and will work with each client, serving as their primary point of contact.
The case manager will make sure the client’s recovery is staying on track and building remarkable relationships with the patient. During this time, the case manager is required to empower the client as they finalize the next steps upon detox completion.
We understand that detox can be an unknown and overwhelming time for clients and their families. The main purpose of a case manager is to use them as a valuable resource. The case manager will remove any feelings of uncertainty to make sure their client receives the care they deserve. The particular responsibilities contain the following components:
- Coordinating treatment with Makana Path medical and clinical staff
- Planning for aftercare
- Serving as a primary point of contact for family members
- Ensuring that the client is receiving an appropriate combination of holistic, clinical, and spiritual programming
Residential Treatment
Once the heroin detox programs are completed, securing primary residential treatment is the following step on the recovery journey. During that time, a case manager will work with the client to strategize what that next phase of treatment looks like and whether they are more interested in a sober living program such as Segue Recovery Support or a residential program such as BRC Recovery.
Find Help at Makana Path Today
Makana Path understands that each client is unique and comes from different backgrounds, and has different goals. We provide case managers who will be an advocate and ally. Discover a newfound peace and enjoy the life meant to be lived; call us today to learn about our heroin detox programs.