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Makana Path Blog

caroline park

Resilience: Why Difficult Times Make You Mentally Strong

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger – that’s the phrase often shared on social media, in the meeting room, and during difficult conversations. Today, a study from the University of Buffalo suggests that this old adage rings true. People who had experienced numerous hardships showed higher levels of resilience...

Intensive Addiction Treatment

Who Needs Intensive Addiction Treatment?

Addiction recovery is not a one-size-fits-all experience. Depending on certain factors, such as length and intensity of substance use, some people may be particularly treatment-resistant. These individuals may have used drugs and alcohol for a very long time and experienced severe withdrawal symptoms when attempting to stop on their own....

Opioids After Surgery

New Study: Opioids Not Necessary for Surgical Recovery

America’s opioid epidemic is fueled by the rampant overprescription of painkillers, stemming from fraudulent claims that the medications wouldn’t be addictive in a clinical application. Worldwide, the use of opioid analgesics more than doubled between the years of 2001 and 2013. Unfortunately, using opioids for short-term (acute) pain management is...

Trauma and Addiction Connection

The Connection Between Trauma and Addiction

June is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Month, and in recognition, we’d like to explore the link between trauma and addiction. Unfortunately, those with substance use disorders are more likely to experience trauma, and the inverse is also true. Read on to understand why this is the case, and to learn...

Nutrition in Addiction Recovery

Nutrition and Addiction Recovery

Nutrition During Active Addiction Anyone who has experienced drug or alcohol addiction understands that it takes over every aspect of your life. In an effort to relieve discomfort, many people will err to their substance of choice over proper nutrition. Getting one’s next fix becomes more important than anything else, meaning...

Fitness in Recovery

Be Active: How Fitness Can Transform Your Recovery

  It’s safe to say that everyone knows that exercise is a cornerstone of your health – studies show time and time again, that a focus on physical fitness can improve all aspects of your life, including your mental health and self-esteem. However, many people may not know just how transformative...

specialized therapies

How Do I Know If I Need an Alcohol Detox?

Alcoholism is a chronic and progressive disease and it can be fatal if not treated. For the past 32 years, the month of April has been designated as Alcohol Awareness Month by The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (now Facing Addiction with NCADD). The organization has worked tirelessly...

sleep habits

Building Better Sleep Habits in Recovery

Addiction and poor sleep are bedfellows for several reasons. Prior to recovery, you may have relied on alcohol or drugs to lull you to sleep. Substance use disorders have also been study-proven to interrupt your sleep-wake cycles, making it harder to drift off and stay asleep throughout the night. People in...

caitlin stowell

Spring Cleaning for Your Mental Health

When we think of spring cleaning, we picture organizing drawers and closets or prepping our yards — but what about clearing our mental and emotional space? Just as it can feel cathartic to dust and declutter your home, a mental spring cleaning can provide a sense of relief as well...