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Author - makanapath2020

trauma related to Texas winter storm

Trauma Related to Texas Winter Storm

In February 2021, a massive winter storm struck Texas and many other states across the country. The storm lasted for most of the week of February 14 and impacted virtually the entire state of Texas with snow, ice, and power outages. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, this natural...

trauma and addiction - breaking the painful cycle

Trauma and Addiction: Breaking the Painful Cycle

Without proper treatment, trauma can be debilitating. When you experience a traumatic event, it could lead to many other struggles in your life, including substance abuse. Breaking the painful cycle of trauma and addiction is possible and, in fact, is necessary for you to truly recover and be able to...

getting back to the 12 steps

Getting Back to the 12 Steps After a Dry Period

Overcoming your addictive behaviors is a difficult first step. You’ve taken that step and you are now on the road to recovery. You’ve been sober and drug-free for a long time and have decided you no longer need to participate in a 12-Step program. Getting back to the 12 steps...

new state-of-the-art facility

Makana Path Opens New State-of-the-Art Facility

The need for quality addiction and mental health treatment in the Austin area is great. When Makana Path opened in 2018, the available spots filled quickly with people who truly wanted to heal. The staff at Makana soon realized they would need to expand to be able to help more...

managing traumatic stress

Self-Care for PTSD | 7 Tools for Managing Traumatic Stress

When you have experienced a trauma, you may be diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Although PTSD is typically associated with the military or with first responders, anyone who has been exposed to a traumatic experience, regardless of the intensity, can suffer from PTSD symptoms. Seeking professional help for your...

great New Year's resolutions for 2021

How to Set Great New Year’s Resolutions for 2021

As the new year approaches, your thoughts may naturally turn to resolutions for your life. The beginning of the year feels like a new beginning, with new possibilities, and most people want to take the opportunity to establish habits or accomplish goals that will help them feel revitalized. When you...

your first sober holiday season

Your First Sober Holiday Season: What to Expect

You have taken the first step on your path to sobriety and are no longer using drugs or alcohol. Congratulations! As you’ve undoubtedly discovered, you are still facing challenges along the way but you are progressing on the road to recovery. This year, the holidays are going to look different...

Adderall withdrawal and detox

Adderall Withdrawal and Detox | Vyvanse, Ritalin, Concerta

For people experiencing the symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), medications can help with the inability to concentrate or sit still, as well as with impulsive actions and excessive talking. However, these drugs can become addictive. Adderall, Vyvanse, Ritalin, and Concerta have all proven effective in treating ADHD. There...