Agnosticism, Spiritual Beliefs and Drug and Alcohol Rehab

The word agnostic derives from the ancient Greek phrase meaning "without knowledge". [source] People who are of the agnostic view believe that there is no way of knowing whether or not the existence or non-existence of any deity is real. From another point of view, agnostic...

Fear, Mad Men and Cowboy Boots: Leading a Sober Life

Cowboy boots are empowering. At the very least, they are somewhat symbolic of my acceptance into the realm of sobriety. It wasn’t until I was surrounded by a group of strong, happy women in Texas that I began to change my concept of what...

A Lesson in Humanness

My insanity knows no limits. And I have taken a hostage this time—my co-worker. I was having one of those days…where character defects were glowing and my mind winning. I needed a respite—a place where I could let the teardrops roll and no one see....
