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Trauma-Informed Treatment

Addiction Treatment for a Brighter Future

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a persont talks to a therapist during trauma-informed treatmentWhen it comes to addiction therapy programs, trauma-informed treatment is a cornerstone of the care being provided. Trauma-informed treatment is an approach to working with individuals that acknowledges and validates the traumatic experiences that may have impacted their current behavior. This type of treatment is based on the understanding that traumatic experiences can cause physical and emotional disruption, which in turn can lead to drug and alcohol misuse.

At its core, trauma-informed treatment involves understanding the relationship between an individual’s mental health and past traumas and how these experiences shape current behaviors. This approach seeks to identify, explore, and address underlying trauma that may be present in an individual’s life in order to help them address and overcome their addiction. BRC Healthcare offers several trauma-informed addiction therapy programs so clients can fully heal. Contact us at today to learn how healing trauma can lead to long-lasting recovery.

Trauma Can Affect Anyone

When someone has experienced a traumatic event such as violence, an accident, or ongoing physical abuse, this incident could have an impact on them for a long time if they do not seek trauma treatment. Examples of trauma include:

  • Childhood abuse
  • Domestic violence
  • Sexual assault or rape
  • War or combat experiences
  • Natural disasters
  • Motor vehicle accidents
  • Witnessing a traumatic event

Trauma can also result from ongoing circumstances such as being bullied or growing up in poverty, which can result in the experience of life-altering symptoms. Every person is different, and therefore, trauma affects people in different ways. It is important to note that trauma can occur over the long term (such as chronic abuse or neglect) or from a single event.

Signs of Trauma

When someone has experienced a traumatic incident, the effects of that experience can show up in many different forms. People who experience trauma may have:
  • Flashbacks
  • Nightmares
  • Intrusive thoughts related to the event
  • Unexplained physical pain
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Mood changes
  • Anxiety or depression
  • Guilt, shame, and self-blame
  • The desire to withdraw from others
  • Feelings of sadness or hopelessness
  • Feelings of disconnection or numbness
Someone who experiences a traumatic event may be in shock for a while. They may even exhibit denial immediately afterward. It may be challenging to process the trauma. They may display physical symptoms such as headaches, digestive troubles, fatigue, a racing heart, sweating, and a feeling of jumpiness.

How Trauma-Informed Treatment Works

Trauma-informed therapy programs recognize the signs and symptoms of trauma and help people heal from their experiences. Trauma-informed treatment seeks to empower individuals by helping them understand their individual experience and the impact it has had on their lives. It also allows them to identify any triggers that can lead to relapse, so they can learn ways to manage them.

Trauma-informed care at BRC Healthcare includes specialized therapies such as:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
  • Motivational interviewing (MI)
  • Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)
  • Prolonged exposure therapy (PE)
  • Cognitive processing therapy (CPT)

Such trauma-informed approaches seek to help individuals understand their trauma and the impact it has had on their life while also helping them develop healthier coping mechanisms. When people learn how to better manage their emotions and behaviors, they can then focus on building a healthier life.

Heal from Trauma at BRC Healthcare

At BRC Healthcare’s family of programs, we believe that healing from trauma is essential in the recovery process. We offer various trauma-informed treatment programs to ensure our clients have access to the care they need. Our experienced therapists and counselors are here to help guide individuals through their healing process. We have experience treating clients who have previously been resistant to treatment. This is because we treat the entire person and their unhealed trauma, not just the prevailing symptoms. Contact us today at to learn more about how our trauma-informed treatment programs can help you or your loved one fully recover at last.

Trauma Ask a man if he’s ever experienced trauma, and he’ll probably just shrug or say something dismissive. The reality is that 61% of men have undergone a traumatic event at some point in their lives, although frequently, these men are not given the opportunity to explore the impact these occurrences have on their mental health. When this is the case, many people will turn to substance use in an attempt to self-medicate. Since 2014, June has been celebrated as PTSD Awareness Month. In observance, we’d like to explore the relationship between men and trauma.  

Defining Trauma

Trauma can be either situational (a car accident, singular incident, or witnessing someone be murdered) or chronic (years of abuse and neglect, participation in active combat). Those who experience multiple disturbing events, such as a combination of sexual and emotional abuse, see greater effects of these occurrences. This can include weakened immune systems, greater vulnerability to stress, increased risk of mental health issues and addiction, and potentially passing on unhealthy coping strategies to one’s children. Unfortunately, trauma and addiction are frequently intertwined with one another. A child who has experienced abuse is 46 times more likely to become an injection drug user than the general population, and the VA estimates that between 35% and 75% of veterans with PTSD misuse drugs and alcohol. This commonly stems from an attempt to self-medicate, quiet disturbing thoughts, and calm physical symptoms of trauma.  

How Men Feel Pain

Unfortunately, many men have been conditioned not to discuss their traumatic pasts. They may dissociate – mentally distance themselves from the incidents in question – or completely forget key moments of abuse. If they do remember and attempt to work through their emotions, it can be challenging to discuss difficult topics with friends. While you may psychologically distance yourself from memories of trauma, your body doesn’t. Through tissue memory, the body of a survivor responds to stimuli differently than those of the general population would. This can manifest as:

  • Chronic pain
  • Addiction
  • Insomnia
  • Anger or irritability
  • Depression
  • Social withdrawal
  • Hyper-vigilance
  • Self-protection

Many people experiencing these symptoms are shocked to learn that they’re connected with a past history of abuse or their experiences on the front lines. Luckily, a path to healing exists for those whose lives are affected by trauma.  

How to Heal

First, men need the support and stories of other men. By joining a support group for those who have experienced the same types of events as you – and overcome similar obstacles – you can get used to opening up about difficult topics. You’ll also hear stories similar to yours, reinforcing the fact that you are not alone, and your past can be conquered. You also should be safe and far away from the source of trauma. If friends and family members from your using days continue to hover around your social circle, it’s difficult to allow the past to stay in the past. Those people could also continue holding memories and power over you, stifling your ability to move forward. This is a great chance to begin anew. Finally, you should work with a professional to develop healthy coping mechanisms. Addiction can develop as a response to trauma, and now that you want to be free of drugs and alcohol, it’s important to create a new plan for how you’ll respond to tough times. By participating in counseling, you’ll unpack traumatic events and learn how to harness mindfulness, spiritual practice, and other routines to manage your reactions.  

Trauma-Focused Care for Men

Spearhead Lodge provides care uniquely tailored to the needs of men who have experienced trauma. Our individualized programs allow you to work alongside mental health professionals to overcome addiction and fully process past traumas. Our team is available 24/7 at 1-888-483-0528.