Should I Give in to Frustration or Faith?

Last week I was slipping into a “fml” frame of mind when a friendly text exchange changed my perspective:

Right!  And the laughter continued the next morning as I stood before the Firestone salesperson and heard the words “cannot fix the tire…nail in the sidewall…structure compromised…will cost $218…”

I excused myself to pause, pray, and seek advice.  As I sat in the lobby mulling over my predicament, I felt God’s grace.  Past experience has taught me that “just to the extent that I do as I think He would have me, and humbly rely on Him, does He enable me to match calamity with serenity.”  And this situation was no different. I had to ask myself, “Where is my reliance?”

After the initial sting dissipated, I went ahead and bought the tire, trusting God would provide for me.   And, as usual, everything worked out.

About the Author:

Vickie Bing is the Director of Alumni Services for BRC Recovery. She received her B.A. in English from the University of Texas at Arlington. Vickie is a former high school teacher. She is also an Air Force Veteran. You can read other posts at