Meghan G.: “I showed up to BRC in November 2016. At this point in my life, I was 26 years old with two kids and severely underweight as well as physically dying. I had run out of options, so my parents gave me the last two options. Go get help or they would be taking my kids and I would be on the streets. I took the option to get help, not really knowing or understanding what God truly had in store for my life. I come from a family that can drink normally, so AA or recovery was something none of us knew anything about. I’ll never forget the first lady I met when I arrived at the women’s house. I was in bad shape detoxing at this point, and she just took my hand and assured me it would get better. I believe it to be true for her, but I couldn’t possibly see me feeling or looking the way she did. She rode with me to the detox facility and said she couldn’t wait to see me back at the house.
My life up to this point was full of misery and hopelessness. I had become a shell of a human being, and had resorted to stealing, lying, not sleeping, and not taking care of my kids or myself. I had no significant degree even though I was in college and has been taking courses for over four years. I chose alcohol and drugs over everything in my life. It was my master. There were moments when I thought this was just how my life was supposed to end. I’m so grateful to say it wasn’t, however. I eventually had my first marriage end, which was a blessing. Part of my story was that I was involved in an abusive relationship. I was allowed the opportunity to let go of this part of my life while I was in BRC. My family stepped up to be there for my kids while I got help. The women I got to meet at BRC were some of the smartest, willing, and honest people I have ever met. I learned how to do simple things at first, like how to keep my room clean, be on time, cook food, as well as eat food again. While learning those simple things, I also took the steps. I would love to say I stayed sober after that however, that is not my story. I was not 100% honest with myself regarding step one. About a month after I got home, I relapsed and had three days of experiencing powerlessness. After that third day, I got back into the rooms of AA and asked for help.
Now, having taken the steps and being thorough and honest, I have an entirely new perspective and outlook on the world and its people. I do not struggle as I used to. I work steps 10, 11, and 12 on a daily basis and God truly does do the rest. My life has low spots, for sure. However, the book and program has taught me how to meet these conditions. The biggest miracle of all is that families are restored through this program. My family is one of the most beautifully restored relationships that has come out of the action of this program. I am remarried in a relationship that is founded on the principles of this program, and my kids are given the opportunity to see what healthy living looks like. They even got a bonus sister! My life today looks full and bright. No matter the circumstances, I have a choice today and a drink or drug is not one of those. I choose recovery one day at a time and then I take the action to show my choice. I am forever grateful for the program and how it works! It has given me my life back.”