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Signs of Cocaine Addiction

a person struggles with signs of cocaine addiction and looks out of a window

Recognizing the signs of cocaine addiction is important to know if you have friends or family that are abusing this addictive substance. Cocaine is a natural stimulant that produces intense euphoria, increased energy, and mental clarity, but it also comes with serious physical and psychological consequences with long-term use. Cocaine use is very bad for the heart and can lead to serious cardiovascular complications.

BRC Healthcare works with people who are struggling with addiction to cocaine, alcohol, heroin, or other addictive substances. Our team has years of experience working with individuals and their families to support a healthy lifestyle and a lifetime of sobriety. We use a combination of proven therapeutic techniques along with medical support for a well-rounded recovery experience. For more information about cocaine addiction treatment in Austin, TX, call .

What Does Cocaine Addiction Look Like?

Cocaine is a natural stimulant derived from the coca plant, grown mostly in South America. It became popular in the 1980s as a party drug for its euphoria and increased energy and concentration, and it is still heavily abused to this day. Cocaine is a dangerous narcotic that has serious physical and psychological complications. While the high may only last for less than an hour, the damage you do to your body and mind can become permanent.

What are the signs of cocaine addiction? If a person has been abusing cocaine for a long period of time, they may begin to develop certain medical conditions, such as:

  • Frequent sinus infections or bloody nose
  • Breathing problems
  • Infections like HIV and hepatitis
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Gastrointestinal disease
  • Brain shrinkage

BRC Healthcare works with individuals and their families for an all-encompassing recovery experience.

Recognizing the Signs of Cocaine Addiction

Learning how to spot the signs of cocaine addiction is very important if you suspect a friend or loved one is using cocaine. You may have noticed their behavior or appearance has changed suddenly and worried for their well-being. Talking with them about the abuse can get them the help they need before causing permanent physical or psychological harm.

Here are some of the common signs of cocaine addiction to look out for:

  • Behavioral signs – Individuals will go to great lengths to hide the abuse and may begin to act secretively or lie about their activities. They may begin hanging out with new friends, have frequent mood swings, and may begin to act aggressively or violently toward friends and loved ones.
  • Physical signs – Cocaine can have a harmful effect on your overall health and physical appearance. Those who frequently use cocaine may show little care for personal hygiene and will experience sudden weight loss, skin rashes, gum disease, tooth decay, and a loss of bone density. In high doses, cocaine can cause damage to vital organs due to increased body temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure and can lead to coma and death.
  • Psychological signs – Cocaine addiction can cause depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders, as well as be a cause of abuse. Frequent use can also cause hallucinations, delusions, psychosis, and suicidal thoughts or behaviors.

Additional signs of cocaine abuse can include sudden financial difficulties, trouble with work and personal relationships, or the loss of a job. If you notice any of these signs in a friend or loved one, talking with them about the abuse may help them realize the harm they are causing.

Cocaine Addiction Treatment near Austin, TX at BRC Healthcare

Part of the recovery process includes learning all about the signs of cocaine addiction and the damage it can do to your body, mind, and other parts of your life. Our treatment centers use the latest therapies for treating addiction and medication to ease withdrawals and other symptoms.

Contact us today at to get started on the road to recovery.