Metro Atlanta Recovery Residence
I had an opportunity recently to attend the annual MARR (Metro Atlanta Recovery Residence) banquet just outside Atlanta, Georgia. The event is for fundraising for the scholarship fund and the theme of the evening was “A Celebration of Recovery”. With more than 800 people in attendance, the energy and love was almost palpable. The speakers for the evening were a mother/daughter, with the mother representing recovery from the Al-Anon’s perspective, and the daughter representing recovery from the alcoholic’s perspective. Their story was incredible, and allowed everyone in attendance, myself included, to be inspired and motivated to continue not only our own journeys with renewed enthusiasm, but also to continue reaching out to lend our hand to others just beginning their walk. One of the phrases the speakers used last night was “seconds and inches” – meaning that we all get to recovery through moments built upon moments of miraculous happenings. Some may say coincidences, some may say divine intervention, and some may say just plain luck or fate. My own experience leads me to believe that something greater than me was at work in the process of leading me, and countless others just like me, to a place where help was available and I was willing. As we say at BRC Recovery, that beautiful intersection of out of options and out of ideas. When that place is reached, then the magic has a chance to catch traction and unfold. Seconds and Inches to catch a miracle, with hours and miles of growth and pain before and after, but with the beautiful promises of lives changed forever. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we gathered last evening to celebrate, one and all, the life so freely given to us, and SO worth living. Marsha Stone, CEO BRC Recovery