“Our deeds determine us, as much as we determine our deeds.” -George Eliot
The founder of BRC, Mark Houston, believed that we do not live each day to discover what life holds—we create it. “I Am” statements begin this creation process; it sets thought/word/deed into motion. The statement, “I Am,” alone is powerful; it embodies a sense of self-determination and claims existence. Every once in a while, I browse through the statements I wrote down as a resident: I am changed. I am a mother. I am free from the bondage of self. I am a great friend. I am a strong, confident and independent woman. I am in a place of neutrality. Almost three years later, I clearly see the universe responding to each of these thoughts. Because I have evidence of their effectiveness, I still employ “I Am” statements. A few of my current statements include: I am a homeowner. I am the Director of an Adolescent Program. I am running a half marathon in 2013—13 in 13. I invite you to harness the power of the universe by writing your own “I Am’s” and sharing your experience with these statements. Create the life you crave!