BRC proudly joined the Gloucester Police Department’s ANGEL Initiative
Earlier this year, BRC proudly joined the Gloucester Police Department’s ANGEL Initiative. The ANGEL Initiative was designed to reduce the number of overdoses in Massachusetts by providing a person suffering from the disease of addiction an opportunity to turn over their remaining drug supply and paraphernalia without the threat of being arrested. “Gloucester Police Department highly values its relationship with BRC Recovery which we have found as an exceptional program from intake to long term treatment. We look forward to continuing our partnership with this premier program to help as many people as possible with this disease”, states Chief Campanello. The Gloucester Police Department’s efforts to help people suffering from the disease of addiction don’t stop with the ANGEL Initiative. Last week, the police department reached out on social media, urging people to contact the CEOs of pharmaceutical companies to “politely ask them what they are doing to address the opioid epidemic in the United States.” And then later posted that Pfizer, a pharmaceutical corporation headquartered in New York City with research headquarters in Connecticut, called the department to set up a meeting. BRC Recovery is honored to partner and support the Gloucester Police Department, as well as other professionals and treatment providers nationwide, as they boldly continue to hold healthcare professionals and pharmaceutical companies accountable for blatantly over prescribing patients – contributing to the current opioid crisis in America. For more information about the Gloucester Police Department, and to see how you can join them in making a difference towards raising awareness on drug addiction, find them on Facebook. Marsha Stone, CEO BRC Recovery