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My struggle with alcoholism and drug addiction

My struggle with alcoholism and drug addiction began at the age of twelve years old. I have experienced darkness that neither I nor my family were prepared to encounter.  From multiple hospital and psychiatric unit stays, to jails and twenty-five residential treatment centers it continued for what felt like an eternity.  I was the garden variety drunk who chronically relapsed.  Nothing could keep me sober and I tried everything that I thought possibly would, except the 12 Steps of course.  I reconciled that I would likely spend the rest of my life in the vicious cycle of entering institutions, getting sober temporarily and using once again until I died. Delusional thinking would sometimes hope that I would just simply “grow out of it.” There seemed no hope for a guy like me but I was miserable and knew that I could not continue to live this way of life indefinitely. Fortunately, God had a different plan. Although I did not acknowledge His presence in my life, He was still there just as He had always been. I finally ended up in what I thought was just another recovery center that would be one more attempt at sobriety and one more failure. Little did I know at that point, that I was about to be “rocketed into the fourth dimension of existence”. I cannot even explain the complete alteration that has taken place in my life.  There is no other explanation other than the loving hand of God.  I could never rationalize how my entire world has changed but can only be grateful for the clear cut directions of the program of recovery.  It can only be called what it is, a miracle.  I found the solution, freedom, and peace I had been looking for in the one place I refused to try, the 12 Steps.  My life today is beautiful and full of opportunities.  It astounds me each and every morning when I wake up excited about life! In my journey it was so important for me to be surrounded by a strong community in sobriety to support my early recovery.  I am so excited to be in a position to continue to develop that and grow this resource for those who continue to walk through this difficult but beautiful process. My experience with what page 164 of the Big Book says is true, “He continues to show me how to create the fellowship we crave”. Chris-Sola_The-Fellowship-You-CraveChris Sola, Alumni Coordinator BRC Recovery For more information about the BRC Recovery Alumni Program, please contact Chris Sola via email at . Also, if you are a Mark Houston and BRC Recovery Alumni join our community on Facebook for support, upcoming meeting information, community outreach opportunities, group outings, and more at BRC Recovery Alumni. Save Save Save Save