People who abuse drugs or alcohol, especially at a young age, often miss out on reaching certain benchmarks that establish maturity, independence and adulthood, and their emotional maturity is often stunted as a result. Young adults who abuse substances may get older, but they don’t grow up. That’s why we offer a comprehensive Life Skills Program to equip residents with the skills they may have missed out on learning. These five skills empower residents to succeed in recovery:
1. Accountability
Accountability is one of the most distinctive features of the Spearhead Lodge program because without it the chances of permanent recovery from addiction are slim. A strong peer network is vital in recovery, so in addition to encouraging residents to rely on Spearhead staff, we also encourage them to rely on one another. As a community-driven treatment program, residents are taught to hold themselves and each other accountable starting on day one.
2. Goal Setting
Treatment is a time where residents work on recreating their lives, which residents accomplish through goal setting. Setting and achieving attainable goals is contingent upon accountability and discipline. Residents learn how the attitudes they hold about work, their lives and themselves can hinder their ability to reach their goals; that if they expect to achieve their goals, their attitudes needs to change. This enables residents to assert themselves and take accountability instead of waiting for someone else to do the heavy lifting for them.
3. Personal Finance
Many young adults aren’t financially literate and make poor financial decisions. When you combine that lack of knowledge with addiction, you have a situation where financial irresponsibility and money problems are the norms. Responsibly managing money is a sign of maturity, and it’s essential for young adults to learn this valuable life skill during recovery. Spearhead residents learn about:
- Financial sobriety.
- Separating needs from wants.
- Budgeting.
- Setting and sticking to saving goals.
4. Relationship Sanity
It’s common for young adults early in recovery to blame other people for their problems. The belief that other people are the root of our problems is a victim mindset and a massive barrier to recovery. Blaming others is just another way for us to ignore our own behavior. Relationships are often problem areas for young adults early in recovery. Spearhead residents learn how to improve interpersonal communication skills and manage conflict to enjoy more positive, mutually beneficial relationships in recovery.
5. Mindfulness
As a holistic addiction recovery program, our goal is to help our residents feel happy, healthy and whole in all areas of their lives. Individual therapy teaches residents how to replace the negative self-talk and thought patterns that don’t serve them. 12-Step programming incorporates help from a “Higher Power,” however a resident chooses to define that Power, and instills practical ways to maintain sobriety. Group therapy opens the floor for honest, candid discussions that can change perspective. Yoga and meditation promote physical and mental health and strengthen the mind-body-spirit connection. Our commitment to holistic programming utilizes traditional and alternative treatments that increase self-awareness and mindfulness, which sets residents up for success in life after treatment. For more information about our Life Skills Program, please contact a Spearhead Lodge admissions specialist at 1-888-483-0528.