Motivation Mondays
Today’s Reminder: Strength
“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strength. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.”
~ Mahatma Ghandi ~

Spiritual Principles Series
The word strength often denotes a picture in our minds of someone taking an extremely difficult step or action that was beyond comprehension. Often times strength shows up just like that but sometimes it shows up in the opposite manner with family recovery. There are many times we are called to step aside and allow our loved one’s to have an experience that we find difficult or fearful to watch. Letting God be the only option for our family members in their journey does not come second nature to most of us. We are used to fixing, concealing, arranging and managing. It takes tremendous strength to learn to love with boundaries. Calling on our Higher Power we ask for the strength to take some of the hardest actions in recovery, to be quiet, to not react, to not fix and allow God to re-create our family dynamic according to His will and not ours. Now that takes a lot of strength!
3 C’s of Al-Anon
- We didn’t CAUSE it
- We can’t CONTROL it
- We can’t CURE it
Questions to Consider This Week
- What are two areas of my life that I can consider praying for strength to carry out the vision of God’s will for my life?
- Where can I see that God has given me strength in my journey thus far? Can I acknowledge that without Him I would not be where I am today in my recovery?