Motivation Mondays


Today’s Reminder: Humility

“He who refreshes others will be refreshed himself.”

~  Proverbs 11:25 ~

Spiritual Principles Series


Most of us in family recovery are all too willing to lend a helping hand whether we asked for it or not! The key to being of service is knowing the difference between helping and harming. The easiest venue to begin to learn how to be of service is in the rooms of Al-Anon and other family support groups. We are loved and guided by sponsors and friends on how to practice the principles within our own fellowship. From there the understanding of service as a spiritual principle can extend into all of our affairs. We then begin to see that we are in the world to play the role God has assigned us and how to offer friendship and fellowship to those on the same journey.

3 C’s of Al-Anon

  1. We didn’t CAUSE it
  2. We can’t CONTROL it
  3. We can’t CURE it


Questions to Consider This Week

  1. Am I actively seeking out ways to be of service to those in my family support meetings? Can I jump in and commit to even the smallest tasks of greeting newcomers, setting up the meeting or cleaning up afterward?
  2. Will I invite God into my plans to be of service to ensure that I am being helpful rather than falling into a codependency trap?