Better Than Gold

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BRC Recovery

My name is Mike Kerr, and I’m the Men’s Segue Supervisor for the BRC Recovery team. Over the past 4 ½ years my recovery has taken on new shapes and has brought me down some pretty adventurous paths. Although, I have to say, that regaining my life has been a huge blessing in itself, the gifts and rewards have been tenfold. But, these did not come from simply sitting back and watching life in recovery happen. I learned early on, and more so as I grew, that God has enabled me to once again make choices. Choices that would benefit me in a moment or for a lifetime. I also had the ability to go against everything that I had learned or had been taught, which in turn would provide me with a different set of results. One of the biggest revelations that I have had in life is the truth that I, with God’s help as my ever evolving teacher, could obtain great things for myself. There was and is no limit to God’s Power, therefore, there is no limit that I cannot reach with God’s help. But, to reach magnificent goals, I must be willing to not only be the student but the teacher as well.

As a condition to my ongoing recovery, I made a commitment long before my life truly began to regain form. I committed myself to God’s intention for me and remained willing to stay on the path provided. If I truly wanted to recreate my life, and have all that God intended for me, I first had to be willing to help others obtain what I desired – freedom. Honesty, humility, willingness, courage, and service, to name a few, became guiding principles in my life.

I sit here now, full of gratitude for what God, the twelve steps, and my many teachers have provided me. I know my truth, and am extremely appreciative for that expanding knowledge. There is plenty of areas in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous that poetically describe what I desire to transmit to you all but a couple of sentences on page 129 describe it best.

“Father feels he has struck something better than gold. For a time he may try to hug the new treasure to himself. He may not see at once that he has barely scratched a limitless lode which will pay dividends only if he mines it for the rest of his life and insists on giving away the entire product.” These lines resonate with me, and to me, describe what it truly means to achieve and live a recovered life.

Mike_Better Than GoldMike Kerr
Segue by BRC Recovery