5 Achievable New Year’s Resolutions for People in Recovery

achievable New Year's resolutions

As you look toward the new year, you may be thinking about resolutions to improve your life. Then again, you may wonder if you should be making resolutions if you have doubts about being able to keep them. The good news is that people who make resolutions, and who physically write them on a piece of paper, are more likely to follow through on them. Take the time now to consider these five achievable New Year’s resolutions for people in recovery and determine which are appropriate for your life going into 2021.

Resolutions in Recovery During COVID-19

The past year has certainly been challenging for everyone. As you look toward the possibilities of the new year, your resolutions may be a bit different than in years past. New Year’s resolutions for people in recovery are more achievable when they are focused on the guidance provided in the ideas of the 12-Step program. While many people want to make more money or further their career, when you are addicted to drugs or alcohol and are in a treatment program, your main concern should be with your mental and physical health in 2021.

It is important, especially if you are struggling through the effects of the pandemic, to make a physical note of your resolutions. Research has found that if you make a resolution and commit it to writing, that you are ten times more likely to successfully make a change that those people who do not make resolutions. When deciding what your resolutions should be, remember to make them achievable and realistic.

Prioritize Your Mental Health

2020 has been a stressful year. While you may be excited about the possibilities of the new year, the stress will probably still be there even after the calendar flips over. The difference will be that you can resolve to explore ways to improve and maintain your mental health even in the midst of anxiety and challenges. While circumstances may not change immediately, you can change the way you respond to them for the sake of your physical and mental health.

Meditate and Practice Mindfulness

Following the guidance provided in step 11 of the 12-Step program, seek through prayer and meditation to improve your conscious contact with God as you understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for you and the power to carry that out.

Find some calm in the new year through practices such as meditation and mindfulness. Resolve to spend some time each day reflecting and being fully present in the moment. You need no special equipment for this resolution. Mindfulness is being fully present, aware of where you are and what you are doing. When you practice mindfulness, you are not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what is going on around you.

Get into the habit of setting aside time every day to meditate, to focus fully on just your breath. Meditation does not attempt to solve any problems, only serving to make you more aware of your own emotions and thoughts.

Make an Effort to Repair Relationships

Steps 8 and 9 of the 12-Step program urge you to make the effort to rebuild relationships that may have been harmed by your addiction: Make a list of all persons you have harmed and become willing to make amends to them all. Make direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.

Reaching out to others in your life is an achievable New Year’s resolution for people in recovery. During the pandemic, rebuilding your relationships may have to be done virtually. Resolve to take advantage of available technology to video chat with the important people in your life, particularly those who have been part of your positive support network.

Be of Service to Others

Helping others is an easy and achievable New Year’s resolution and follows the guidance in the final step of the 12-Step program: Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, try to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all your affairs.

Carrying your message of recovery forward benefits yourself as well as others. Resolve to be of service to others in 2021, by helping with meetings, reaching out to those who need your support, and even by volunteering (when it can be done safely) for local organizations who need the assistance during this trying time.

Commit to Your Continued Recovery

Resolve in 2021 to rededicate yourself to your healthy habits and to your continued recovery. Check in with yourself daily, be honest if you see yourself slipping, and develop positive techniques for getting back on track. Focus on self-compassion to get yourself through the stressful times. Go back to the guidance you found in the 12-Step program to achieve your New Year’s resolutions and to continue with a successful recovery from your addiction.


As you work on your achievable New Year’s resolutions, know that help is available. The professionals at BRC Recovery are here for you when you are ready for real change for your life. We offer proven treatment options that will empower you to reclaim your life into the new year and beyond.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we offer a safe, clean environment so you can continue receiving the highest quality of care. To learn more about our services and to get the help you need, please call BRC Recovery at 1-866-291-2676 to speak to our team.