You’re NOT a failure.
Let the alcohol rehab program from BRC Recovery help you with your addiction problems.
When someone doesn’t see success immediately from a drug and alcohol recovery program or even a drug and alcohol treatment program, it doesn’t mean that they’ve failed. Additionally, when you put that sort of pressure on someone to stay sober and drug free after they’ve struggled with drug and alcohol related problems, you are actually making it more difficult for them to try to overcome their addiction. This is where BRC Recovery wants to remind you of two very important things:
1. Recovery is not and should not ever be guaranteed.
2. Relapse should be considered part of the recovery process.
Contrary to what you may have heard or read, whether it’s a 30-day recovery program or a 90-day recovery program, you cannot simply “cure” someone in any set amount of time after they’ve suffered from the debilitating effects of alcoholism or drug addiction. Rather, each person’s recovery is specific to that individual; and while it may take some less time to recover from an addiction, it may take others longer. A large part of the drug and alcohol recovery process is contingent upon the individual. Is it substance use, abuse, or dependence? Do they recognize that they need the help? Have they accepted the help? Are they committed to making an effort to get clean and sober?
The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism has some excellent information and guidelines on moderate and binge drinking.
There are many excellent licensed drug and alcohol treatment centers throughout the United States where those with a simple goal of overcoming drug abuse can find medically supervised drug addiction rehab programs. The general consensus is that the longer the drug addicted individual experiences quality rehab, the better his chances will be for permanent drug-free living.
BRC Recovery is a private addiction treatment center located just outside of Austin, Texas where adult men and women can engage in the recovery process for 90 consecutive days, even though in some cases, you have just completed an drug and alcohol treatment program. Our extended care program is ideal for anyone who is seeking permanent sobriety, regardless of whether its your first time to get sober or you are a chronic relapser. We believe that by maintaining a gender-specific facility, a small number of beds with a high staff to client ratio as well as by continuing to instill in each of our clients various “life skills,” clients will leave our drug and alcohol recovery program better equipped to lead sober and drug free lives.
17 Drug and Alcohol Relapse Triggers
When discussing drug and alcohol relapse, BRC Recovery has found at least 17 relapse causes, which are listed as follows:
- Putting yourself in a difficult situation like visiting your favorite bar or hanging out with friends who are still using drugs
- Keeping isolated by not attending meetings or working with your sponsor
- Keeping any type of alcohol, drugs or paraphernalia around the house
- Obsessing about using drugs or drinking alcohol
- Skipping your doctor’s appointments, stopping your therapy & failing to follow your relapse prevention treatment plan
- Feeling like you are strong enough to handle things on your own
- Having a strained relationship with a spouse who still uses alcohol or drugs
- Setting your expectations too high and being too hard on yourself when things go wrong
- Changing your routine
- Ignoring sudden changes in psychiatric symptoms such as depression, anxiety and anger
- Dwelling on unresolved conflicts or past hurts
- Transferring your substance abuse addiction to other addictions
- Extreme emotional life changes
- Ignoring warning signs and triggers
- Refusing to deal with personal problems
- Not having awareness of your limitations
- Stopping medications against your doctor’s advice
At BRC Recovery, we don’t promise any miracle cures; however, we will offer you an alternative recovery that will not make you feel like you’ve failed. We are committed to providing you with an opportunity to take on recovery in a whole new way that ultimately helps the way you think and the way you live with sobriety.