Motivation Mondays
Today’s Reminder: Forgiveness
“Forgiving is not forgetting, it’s letting go of the hurt.”
~ Mary McLeod Bethune ~
Courage to Change Series: Focusing on Forgiveness
*Page 178*
Forgiveness can just be a change of attitude. I came to Al-Anon full of bitterness toward the alcoholic in my life. When I realized that my bitterness hurt me more than anyone else, I began to search for another way to view my situation. In time, I came to believe that my alcoholic loved one might be the messenger my Higher Power used to let me know that I needed to get help. It is not fair to shackle her with credit or blame for the amount of time it took for me to pay attention to that message. I chose to tolerate a great deal of unacceptable behavior because I was unwilling to admit that I needed help. I did the best I could with the tools and knowledge I had at hand, and I believe that she did too. Eventually the message got through. I made it to the rooms of Al-Anon, and my life changed in miraculous ways. I don’t deny that hurtful things were said and done along the way, but I refuse to carry the burden of bitterness any further. Instead, I am grateful for what I have learned.
3 C’s of Al-Anon
- We didn’t CAUSE it
- We can’t CONTROL it
- We can’t CURE it
Questions to Consider This Week
- Can I identify areas of my past that I have been unwilling to let go of and are now hindering my own happiness? Will I begin to commit these areas to prayer and meditation?
- Have I written 4th Step Inventory in a 12 Step process to rid myself of resentment, hurt and anger? If not, will I consider attending Al-Anon and working the steps?
- Is it possible that my loved one’s alcoholism or addiction can be a blessing to my life? Will I allow this to drive me further into relationship with my Higher Power?