Motivation Mondays


Weekly Focal Point: Authenticity

“We are constantly invited to be who we are.”

~ Henry David Thoreau

Courage to Change Series: Authenticity

*Page 222*

Before coming to Al-Anon, I never felt I could be myself around other people. I was too busy trying to be what others wanted me to be, afraid people wouldn’t accept me the way I am. But with my first Al-Anon meeting I felt at ease. Members talked about common characteristics that I recognized myself. “They’re talking about themselves, but they’re describing me!” I thought. “I’m not crazy after all!” Meetings helped me to realize that there are many people in this world like me – people who had been affected by another’s alcoholism. I didn’t have to lie to people in those meetings, and eventually I learned that I didn’t have to lie to anyone anywhere. I came to see that I can live my life for inner peace and not for outward appearances.

3 C’s of Al-Anon

  1. We didn’t CAUSE it
  2. We can’t CONTROL it
  3. We can’t CURE it


Questions to Consider This Week

  1. With whom in my life do I consistently alter myself to gain approval?
  2. Has maintaining an image become more important than my emotional freedom today?
  3. Am I willing to be honest in prayer about my desire for other’s approval? Do I believe that my Higher Power can and will give me the assurances that I seek from outside sources?
  4. Can I give myself a break when I see that I am not always practicing authenticity?