Opportunity To Take A Family Trip
Recently, some of my family and I had the opportunity to take a family trip to Charleston, South Carolina. My husband, an alumni of The Citadel, and my two youngest sons and I attended his 25th Class Reunion. Steeped in rich tradition and history, Charleston, as well as The Citadel, are amazing parts of our country’s development. As we walked around the barracks just prior to the Homecoming football game, I noticed a sign that read “Ethics in Action”. I inquired and was told that this is one the schools slogans that guide the philosophy of the programming as well as the cadets daily life.
This really struck me, and I have since considered it often. Ethics in Action- what does this mean? Where does/did this slogan come from? How do I ensure that all of my actions are grounded in ethics and the causes of my heroes, living and not? Is this even possible?
In recovery, I have learned something of ethics and values. Step 12 states, “Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.” (Big Book, page 60) Most people think of “12 stepping” as going to help another alcoholic, and bringing the message of recovery. Often overlooked is the second half of the step regarding practicing principles.
Principles, ethics, values, action…The principles behind the 12 steps are personally identified through working the steps, and are guides to everyday behavior in our affairs. My experience is that when I am awake in my life, and use the principles to mold my decision making process, my life flows smoothly, I am in the stream of life. Conversely, when I am blocked and am making decisions based on manifestations of self, rough waters are surely ahead.
I am grateful for these beacons of life and of light. I am grateful for the gift of being awake in this journey of life. And after all, it is a good thing to be in agreement with the Cadets!
Marsha Stone, CEO
BRC Recovery