Home Is Where The Heart Is

12 Step Meetings Earlier last year, I made the uncanny prediction to my husband that it looked like 2014 was shaping up to be a year of busy travel. He quickly responded his displeasure at my remark. Last year did turn out to be a...


I have heard the terms malady, spiritual malady, internal condition, untreated alcoholism, but until recently I had never heard the word "maladacious"! Even as I type, my spellcheck doesn't recognize it. My friend, in defense of her use of the word said to me-...

The BRC Recovery Culture

Marsha Stone, CEO, loves to talk about BRC Recovery. Through blogs, social media, presentations, press, radio, film, and video, she passionately shares about the unique culture of the organization, the dedicated staff and the hundreds of people who are blessed with a new life...

Fear, Gratitude, Celebration

In the spirit of the wildly popular Elizabeth Gilbert novel Eat, Pray, Love, I recently pondered the upcoming holiday trifecta of  Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. In the novel, the protagonist chronicles several seasons of her life in terms of her focus. She eats in Italy,...

Birthdays and Big Deals

Well it's right around the corner... 45. The middle of the forties, the middle of life, the end of something, just not sure what. For whatever reason, 45 has always been the jumping off point in my mind, where it was really time to...

Long-term Sobriety: Extended Care After Alcohol Treatment In Austin

Programs and Theories to help people stop drinking There are many programs and theories out there designed to help people stop drinking. The 12 Step programs and treatment centers all have the goal of helping people with a drinking problem to achieve long-term sobriety. While...

Bullet Points and Bottom Lines

  Faith consists in believing when it is beyond the power of reason to believe....Voltaire To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible...Thomas Aquinas     I am not a great storyteller. I am more comfortable speaking directly- in bullet...

Unity and Community: Vital Components of the Recovery Process

Community - a unified body of individuals; an interacting population of various individuals with a common characteristic or interest. At BRC Recovery, a culture of therapeutic community was established in 2006 and thrives to this day. During their stay as residents, each individual has an...

The BRC Recovery Culture: We are Family

  After Leaving A Saturday Night speaker Meeting Recently, after leaving a Saturday night speaker meeting, I became ill, eventually underwent surgery and was given the dreaded order of bed-rest. Before I could even begin to worry about how "everything" would get done, the texts, emails...
