
Anything is Possible

BRC Recovery I had a dream once of going to Penn State and getting a Ph.D. Instead, I ended up at the State Pen getting a GED. After dropping out of high school in the 12th grade, because I thought I knew it all, I started...

Take Off the Training Wheels

TRAINING WHEELS One of the most nerve-wracking times for a family during the recovery journey is when your loved one moves from the treatment center to sober living and then to an apartment or house. At this time, managing your own recovery becomes critical, because doing...

Prince and the Tragic Story of Mislabeled Drugs

Mislabeled Drugs Recently, you will recall, the music world suffered a great loss when it learned of the death of the musician Prince. Reports surfaced shortly thereafter that his death was caused by an overdose of the drug fentanyl. Reports of the cause of his death came as a shock, as...

Coming Full Circle

BRC Recovery’s Bringing Real Change To some it may seem that moving back home to the Northeast in the midst of a heroin pandemic was completely irrational, but today I wouldn’t have it any other way. I have been given the rare opportunity to carry the...

Gloucester Police Department is Making a Difference

Gloucester Police Chief Leonard Campanello BRC proudly joined the Gloucester Police Department’s ANGEL Initiative Earlier this year, BRC proudly joined the Gloucester Police Department’s ANGEL Initiative. The ANGEL Initiative was designed to reduce the number of overdoses in Massachusetts by providing a person suffering from the disease...

Step 2 – Michael Kerr Mike Kerr, Recovery Coach Segue Program BRC Recovery Hello, everyone, my name is Mike Kerr.  I’m a recovery coach at the Segue program at BRC Recovery.  A little over three years ago, I walked into the doors of BRC Recovery, and I was in a place where I...