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7 Ways a 12-Step Program Can Help Your Family Heal

families healA big part of the 12-step program is repairing relationships with family. Here’s a look at a few ways working the 12-step program can work when it comes to helping families heal from the devastating effects of addiction.

  1. You’ll learn about the disease of addiction and how it’s a chronic illness that requires a long-term and comprehensive continuum of care. The 12 steps help us understand that we can’t control the afflicted person or the disease.
  2. You’ll learn to make amends as you acknowledge any damage caused by your active addiction and make an earnest effort to reconcile family relationships. Twelve Step participants take ongoing inventory of themselves and honestly acknowledge any ways they may have hurt themselves and loved ones.
  3. You’ll feel less alone as you receive strength and hope from your Higher Power and support and fellowship from others working the 12-step program.
  4. You’ll learn why recovery has to come first and how taking care of yourself and prioritizing your recovery will equip you to be a better person for your family.
  5. You’ll learn to improve communication. Learning basic 12-step philosophy and language can help open the lines of communication and teach you that it’s okay to risk saying the wrong thing and just start communicating.
  6. You’ll learn trust, acceptance, love and forgiveness – which are key elements in a 12-step program and important factors for healing your family relationships.
  7. You’ll learn that you’re not alone in your family struggles and that there are 12-step support groups to help family members heal individually so they can better heal together.

12-Step Support for Your and Your Family

Segue Recovery Support’s Family Support Services can connect you and your loved ones with recovery coaching, counseling and 12-step groups that are designed to restore healthy family dynamics and help everyone heal. To learn more, contact us today. Call: 833-485-0789.