Laura Swann, my friend and the Clinical Director of the new BRC Clinical Center, participated recently in the Brene Brown training held in San Antonio. Brene Brown is an American scholar, author, and public speaker. Over the last twelve years she has been involved in research on a range of topics, including vulnerability, courage, worthiness, and shame. I have been thinking about a phrase I heard somewhere recently, “vulnerability is the new black”. I’m not quite sure what it means but it stuck with me. Is it that we should all be more vulnerable? Is this a short season of vulnerability? Or is it simply that we are all waking up to the fact that we all, deep down inside, have the same fears and feelings, and it’s the act of pretending that we don’t, that separates us and causes discord? Those that are close to me know that this blog was initially a one-time request. It turned into an ongoing assignment, and now has evolved into a labor of love, of sorts, that allows me to talk about the goings on in my life and how they’re connected to my recovery. I’ve often said there’s no distinction between where my job ends and my life begins. I prefer it this way. It is important for me to be the same person to everyone in my life. Transparent, authentic, and yes – vulnerable. I have heard throughout my recovery that we are spiritual beings struggling with the human experience. This resonates with me. The Big Book reminds me that, “because of my own experiences I can be uniquely useful to other alcoholics.” (Pg. 89) But how does this actually happen? How can the God in me connect with the God in others? By the purposeful creation of an honest space for this miracle, through the simple act of letting down the walls and allowing, even inviting, vulnerability.
Having said that…thanks for allowing me to share my journey through this blog. Be well, and as vulnerable as you possibly can be. #TYG Marsha Stone, CEO BRC